Re: [RFC PATCH] Re: Empty directories...

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On Sun, 22 Jul 2007, David Kastrup wrote:
> So  when we are talking about a repository tree _becoming_ empty, we 
> need the information whether or whether not we should remove it upon
> becoming empty.

You don't seem to realize - although I've told you now abotu a million 
times - that what you are talking about is:

 - technically exactly the same as ".gitignore", which for some 
   unfathomable reason you cannot seem to accept.

 - except your use of "." is 100% INFERIOR exactly because the "." entry 
   has no meaning in the target filesystem, so it means that the bit of 
   information is no longer something that is trackable in the working 

Quite frankly, Junio would be a total idiot to take any patches that do 
what you want to do. Happily, he is anything but.

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