Hello there, While the name is obviously a mistake, git refuses to even acknowledge the directory. ``` u@h:~/$ mkdir init-test u@h:~/$ cd init-test u@h:~/init-test$ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/u/init-test/.git/ u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) mkdir \$\{sys\:DATA_ROOT_DIR\}/ u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) git status On branch master No commits yet nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) git add .git/ ${sys:DATA_ROOT_DIR}/ u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) git add \$\{sys\:DATA_ROOT_DIR\}/ u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) git commit --signoff -m'a' On branch master Initial commit nothing to commit u@h:~/init-test$ (master #) ``` Is that expected? Ντέντος Σταύρος