It was suggested that this link be fired through to this address.
A quick review of native Win32 git provoked by the current conversation
amoungst the Perl core maintainers about changing version control
systems and whether to go with svn or git (the main two candidates).
This review is utterly unrelated to whether or not central or
distributed version control is better, and utterly unrelated to the
features of git itself, and refer only to the native Win32 git
installer/package itself.
For reference, the reviewer (me) has 10 years of experience with Perl
development across both Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac (old and new).
I'm also a CPAN administrator, Perl toolchain maintainer, author of
about 150 cross-platform Perl packages on the CPAN, and creator of the
"Strawberry Perl" Win32 Perl distribution and website.
If you have any follow up, please CC me.
Adam Kennedy
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