I use git grep constantly. Today it failed for me. It isn't looking at all the files for some reason. Am I somehow missing something? midsizeschools@ut:~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ git ls-files | wc 254 254 10062 midsizeschools@ut:~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ git grep -l . | wc 250 250 9938 midsizeschools@ut:~/tams (master % u= origin/master)$ git grep -l . | sort > b midsizeschools@ut:~/tams (master % u= origin/master)$ git ls-files | sort > a midsizeschools@ut:~/tams (master % u= origin/master)$ diff a b 26,27d25 < app/models/tars_attendee.rb < app/models/tars_district_registration.rb 144d141 < nbproject/private/config.properties 156d152 < public/favicon.ico # git knows about the file: ~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ git ls-files | grep app/models/tars_district_registration.rb app/models/tars_district_registration.rb # the string is found by grep in the file: ~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ grep accepts_nested_attributes_for app/models/tars_district_registration.rb accepts_nested_attributes_for :tars_attendees, :allow_destroy => false, :reject_if => proc { |attrs| attrs.all? { |k, v| v.blank? } } # but git grep doesn't find the file???? ~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ git grep accepts_nested_attributes_for ~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ # git version is reasonably new - not my server, can't upgrade it ~/tams (master u= origin/master)$ git --version git version 2.19.2 -- Wayne Walker lwaynewalker@xxxxxxxxx