On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Linus Torvalds wrote:
ie apparently Berlin is in a timezone of its own that is roughly one
minute and 23 seconds away from CET.
What the *heck*?
I really don't think this is git that is confused: I get the exact same
thing with "date" too:
[torvalds@woody git]$ TZ=right/Europe/Berlin date ; TZ=CET date
Wed Jul 18 18:52:25 CEST 2007
Wed Jul 18 18:52:48 CEST 2007
so it really *is* the tzdata that says that Berlin is not +0200, and it's
not even +0159, it's something really strange with fractional minutes away
from UTC.
Well ... not if you compare right/Europe/Berlin vs right/CET
jp3@neutron: ~>TZ=right/CET date '+%H:%M:%S %z'; TZ=right/Europe/Berlin
date '+%H:%M:%S %z'
19:49:45 +0200
19:49:45 +0200
but, I suspect that the following is the underlying cause of the problem?
jp3@neutron: ~>TZ=right/UTC date '+%H:%M:%S %z'; TZ=UTC date '+%H:%M:%S
17:51:32 +0000
17:51:55 +0000
Is git working internally in TZ=UTC?
Homer: We always have one good kid and one lousy kid. Why can't both
our kids be good?
Marge: We have three kids, Homer.
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