Hi! Some of my Git repositories have mirrors, maintained with 'rsync'. I want to have some level of repacking, so that the repositories are efficient, but I also want it to minimize it, so that 'rsync' never has to perform a big transfer for the repositories. For example, I think it would be fine if files are repacked just once in their lifetimes, and then that resulting pack file is never repacked again. I did read the gc.bigPackThreshold and gc.autoPackLimit settings, but I don't think they would accomplish that. Basically, what I'm describing is the behaviour of not packing files until the resulting pack would be a given size (say 10MB for example), and then never repack such ~10MB packs again, ever. Can this be done with some Git settings? And do you foresee any kind of serious drawback or potential problem with this kind of behaviour? Thanks!! ardi