Hello, I stumbled upon a strange behavior of cherry-pick, running the attached script yields different results from running the same command lines manually in an interactive shell, one after the other. I searched the man page and found no indications that that should act in this way. It looks like the CLI args "--ff" & "--no-ff" or the absence of it are not doing the same in a script as in an interactive shell. I asked in the IRC channel, and was asked to report it here. I tried to reproduce it in various environments, I ran it in Centos 7, debian 9, ubuntu bionic & cosmic, alpine & fedora, in docker containers, all giving the same results. The git versions tested range from to 2.21.0. Trying to reproduce, I created the attached script, which reports 3 times "SAME", whereas the case using "--no-ff" should print "DIFF", if I'm not wrong in reading its manpage description. What am I missing ? -- Vincent Legoll
Description: application/shellscript