On Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 12:26:08PM +0000, Philip Oakley wrote: > > [2b] What is your reason for your [2a] preference? > Many of the other Gui's hide the power of Git and its new abstraction of no > longer actually being about "Control" (by 'management'). Now it is about > veracity. If you have the right object ID (sha1/sha256) you have an > identical original [there are no 'copies', all Mona Lisas with the hash are > the same]. Management can choose which hash to accept upstream. > > Most other Gui's try to hide behind the old school Master-copy view point > that was developed in the 19th century for drawing office control. If you > damaged the master drawing the ability to make things and do business was > lost. Protecting the master drawing was everything. They were traced before > they went to the blue print machine. Changes were batched up before the > master could be touched (that risk again). > > Too may Gui's (and their Managements!) still try to work the old way, > loosing all the potential benefits. They are still hammer wielders looking > for nails, and only finding screws to smash. Hello, Here are a few reasons why you should try Git Cola: - Git Cola does not hide the power of Git. - Git Cola extends Git in the UNIX spirit by providing a convenient frontend to common Git commands and operations. - Git Cola's Diff editor is focused around the Git-centric idea of creating small commits through partial staging. - It has a keyboard-centric interface with vim-style navigation hotkeys. - Git Cola is Free software and has the same license as Git. - Python + Qt is easy to hack https://github.com/git-cola/git-cola https://git-cola.github.io/downloads.html -- David