When it is run in a worktree 'git for-each-ref' only seems to show refs
under refs/rewritten if that directory also exists under $GIT_COMMON_DIR
even though they are local to the worktree.
Initially I thought this was due to $GIT_COMMON_DIR pointing to a bare
repo, but that is not the case. However while writing a test case which
cloned to a bare repo I noticed it was listing a ref for the HEAD of a
worktree in the repo I had cloned from, not the clone itself.
The script below reproduces both issues, I've copied the output below
it. I'm not sure what's going on or the best way to debug it.
Best Wishes
# setup initial repo
mkdir repo &&
cd repo &&
git init &&
echo a>a &&
git add a &&
git commit -ma &&
#add a worktree and set a ref under refs/rewritten
git worktree add ../worktree-1 &&
cd ../worktree-1 &&
echo 'worktree-1 adding refs/rewritten/a' &&
git update-ref refs/rewritten/a HEAD &&
git rev-parse --verify refs/rewritten/a &&
echo 'refs/rewritten/a exists but is not shown' &&
git for-each-ref &&
# add a ref under refs/rewritten to the main repo
cd ../repo &&
echo 'repo adding refs/rewritten/z' &&
git update-ref refs/rewritten/z HEAD &&
git for-each-ref &&
cd ../worktree-1 &&
echo 'worktree-1 now shows refs/rewritten/a' &&
git for-each-ref &&
cd .. &&
# create a bare clone with a worktree
git clone --bare --no-local repo bare &&
cd bare &&
git worktree add ../worktree-2 &&
cd ../worktree-2 &&
echo 'worktree-2 adding refs/rewritten/b' &&
echo 'why does this show refs/worktree-1/head' &&
echo 'but not refs/rewritten/b?' &&
git worktree list &&
git update-ref refs/rewritten/b HEAD &&
git rev-parse --verify refs/rewritten/b &&
git for-each-ref
Initialized empty Git repository in
[master (root-commit) dc2045a] a
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 a
Preparing worktree (new branch 'worktree-1')
HEAD is now at dc2045a a
worktree-1 adding refs/rewritten/a
refs/rewritten/a exists but is not shown
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/master
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/worktree-1
repo adding refs/rewritten/z
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/master
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/worktree-1
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/rewritten/z
worktree-1 now shows refs/rewritten/a
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/master
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/worktree-1
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/rewritten/a
Cloning into bare repository 'bare'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Preparing worktree (new branch 'worktree-2')
HEAD is now at dc2045a a
worktree-2 adding refs/rewritten/b
why does this show refs/worktree-1/head
but not refs/rewritten/b?
/home/phil/src/git-utils/dev/git-rewrite/bare (bare)
/home/phil/src/git-utils/dev/git-rewrite/worktree-2 dc2045a [worktree-2]
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/master
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/worktree-1
dc2045a36f38ba4e9bacd8cd86ba74f58a1d4656 commit refs/heads/worktree-2