On Jul 8, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Robin Rosenberg wrote:
Corecode's fromcvs is pretty fast and incremental and AFAIK
accurate. I had
plenty problems with cvsimport, but fromcvs keeps in sync with the
CVS repo.
Get it at http://ww2.fs.ei.tum.de/~corecode/hg/fromcvs/ .
It does not convert regular tags, only branches, however so there
is something to
do for those that want a complete cvs import.
Did anyone compare
* git-cvsimport with cvsps patches from [1]
* parsecvs [2]
* fromcvs
and can give a recommendation?
My experience with plain git-cvsimport (without cvsps patches from [1])
is that it has a lot of problems. I'd recommend not to use it for
incremental import and be very suspicious about the git repository
created by git-cvsimport. You need to carefully validate the repository.
It's likely that you need to fix imported branches. The trunk seems to
be ok.
[1] http://ydirson.free.fr/en/software/scm/cvsps.html
[2] http://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/users/keithp/repos/parsecvs.git/
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