I'm having a problem on my MacBook. When I do `git add .` and then do `git status`, all my files in the current directory and subdirectory remain untracked. I'm not sure if it's a bug in the OS X version of git I'm using (I tried upgrading) or something specific to the setup on my Mac (I've tried eliminating possibilities). The problem started with a directory I had named 'micronaut-guides' that I wanted to initialize as a repo. It had a subdirectory called apprentice and one called data-access. apprentice has a subfolder named 'java' with five or six subfolders containing java projects, and data-access had one folder 'jpa' containing a java application. If I cd to micronaut-guides, then `git init`, then `git add .` and then `git status`, I get the following: ----------------- On branch master Initial commit Untracked files: .gitignore README.md apprentice/ data-access/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present ----------------- If I try to track a specific file in a subdirectory (`git add apprentice/java/commit-info/Dockerfile`), it successfully stages the single file, and then lists other files in the apprentice/java/commit-info directory as specifically untracked, rather than just listing the directory as untracked. I can successfully stage a single file in the root directory of the repository by doing `git add .gitignore`, and then when I do `git status` the .gitignore file shows as staged and the other files remain untracked. I've since verified the command-line client is exhibiting the same behavior in other repos cloned from github when I try to add content. I cloned my spring-guides repository from github and created a directory for the actuator-service guide, worked through the tutorial to create a functioning project in the subdirectory, then did `git add .` and `git status` and it said the new folder was untracked still. I've found a work around. Instead of using the command-line client, I have to open the Github Desktop client, and then add my files and sync to get changes up to my repo. Everything works fine adding files and pushing changes there. So far, I've tried adding files in both a new and existing repository. I've tried `git add -A` instead of `git add .`. I've tried `git add --all ./` with no luck. It has been doing the same thing for both the Apple version of git I started with, and the 2.20.1 version that I upgraded to (installed via homebrew). I've also tried deleting my .gitignore file, even though the same .gitignore works with repos on Windows fine. I made sure there was no .gitignore in any parent directories and that there were no .git folders in any parent directories. `git check-ignore -v -- /path/to/a/file` didn't produce any output. I've also tried changing my shell to bash instead of zsh, in case something in my shell was interfering. I've checked my aliases to make sure I'm not aliasing git to some other command. And I've tried moving the repo directory to / and adding files there, to be extra sure nothing in any parent directory was interfering with the operation. As I recall, git used to work fine on this Mac, but it's been a while since I've tried to use it (it being both the Mac and git on the Mac). The Mac in question was recently upgraded to OS X Mojave (it bugged me to upgrade when I dusted it off and turned it on). I don't remember when the last time I used git on it for anything before the upgrade was.. I've asked about this in StackOverflow, so there are a little bit more details and ideas from other people at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54175235/cant-git-add-to-stage-files-in-new-repo, but I tried to summarize everything here. Any ideas to fix this or even work around this without using a GUI client would be appreciated. Thanks, Lewis Cawthorne