I have a problem with directory diff. The following command: Git difftool -d _commit_sha_ Opens my compare tool (Beyondcompare) and I can make a folder diff. The tool also allows browsing through all changes and looking/editing single files (a beyondcompare feature). So my workflow would be to open single files and make changes to the right side of the diff. After saving and exiting the diff tool sometimes these changes are copied back to my working tree. I currently assume from my tests that changes are copied to the working tree if they are not too deeply nested in folders. So changes to files in folders up to a depth of about 4 or so are copied back. If any deeper they are not. My system specs: OS: Windows 10 Git: 2.19.2.windows.1 Folder of repo. Folder name length is identical to real folder name length in case it is a folder name length issue: C:\Users\Developer\source\repos\Project_name_length_ Folder for comparison (temp names are really used names): Commit sha side: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Local\Temp\git-difftool.a07928\left Working tree copy side: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Local\Temp\git-difftool.a07928\right Can anyone confirm this? Thanks