+cc: git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, git-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> bcc Hi! Paul J Sanchez wrote: > Over the weekend I saw a link to a Mac git client I had not seen > before: Aurees. When I went to the linked site to download a copy, > my antivirus software (Sophos) warned me that it contains malware. > I immediately threw it away without installing, but figured that > git-scm.com <http://git-scm.com/> should be aware of this. See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/msysgit/br212yYOZ70/bp5t4QpZk10J for a similar symptom in the past. See that thread for some advice on how to track this down. Sadly, my experience with antivirus software is that it is just not very reliable. That said, it's possible that this Mac Git client is indeed infected. Can you point me to the page where you found it? The git-scm.com web site is maintained at https://github.com/git/git-scm.com; that page has instructions for contributing to it. Thanks and hope that helps, Jonathan