Hi everyone, I released today git-bug, a distributed bug tracker that embeds in git. It use git's internal storage to store bugs information in a way that can be merged without conflict. You can push/pull to the normal git remote you are already using to interact with other people. Normal code and bugs are completely separated and no files are added in the regular branches. Someone suggested in the Hacker News thread [0] to post it here as well. The project is here [1]. It's a all-in-one binary that is picked up by git as a porcelain command. It features a set of CLI command for simple interaction, an interactive terminal UI and a rich web UI. For more information about the internal design, please read this document [2]. In short, bugs are stored as a series of edit operations stored in git blobs and assembled in a linear chain of commits. This allow to have conflict-free merge and to not pollute the regular branches with bug data. Media embedding is also possible but not yet finished. I'd love to have some feedback from you. Contribution are also very much welcomed. Best regards, [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17782121 [1]: https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug [2]: https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/blob/master/doc/model.md -- Michael Muré