On June 5, 2018 5:24 PM, Steve Heinz wrote: > I am new to Git and have read quite a few articles on it. > I am planning on setting up a remote repository on a windows 2012 R2 server > and will access it via HTTPS. > I am setting up a local repository on my desk top (others in my group will do > the same). > On "server1": I install Git and create a repository "repos". > On "server1": I create a dummy webpage "default.htm" and place it in the > repo folder. > On "server1": I create a web application in IIS pointing to Git > On Server1": change permissions so IIS_User has access to the folders. > On "server1": inside the "repos" folder and right click and choose "bash > here" > On "server1": $ git init -bare (it's really 2 hyphens) > > On Desktop: open Chrome and type in URL to make sure we can access it > https://xyz/repos/default.htm > ** make sure you have access, no certificate issues or firewall issues. The > pages shows up fine > > On Desktop: install Git and create repository "repos". > On Desktop: right click in "repos" folder and choose "bash here" > On Desktop: $ git init > On Desktop : add a folder "testProject" under the "repos" folder and add > some files to the folder > On Desktop: $ git add . (will add files and folder to working tree) > On Desktop $ git status (shows it recognizes the filed were added) > On Desktop $ git commit -m "test project commit" (will stage changes) > On Desktop $ git push https://xyz.domainname.com/repos master > > ** this is the error I get, I have tried many different things. I am sure I am > doing something stupid > ** I have tried a bunch of variations but I always get the same error. It looks > like some type of network/permission > ** thing but everything seems OK. > Fatal: repository 'https://xyz.domainname.com/repos/' not found > > *** this is where I get the error trying to push staged items to the remote > repository. > *** I have tried to clone the empty remote repository still same error > *** I checked port 443 is opened and being used for https > *** tried to set origin to https://xyz.domainname.com/repos" and then $git > push origin master (same error) > *** I tried passing credentials to the remote server as well Missing glue - git remote git remote add origin https://xyz.domainname.com/repos Cheers, Randall -- Brief whoami: NonStop developer since approximately 211288444200000000 UNIX developer since approximately 421664400 -- In my real life, I talk too much.