I installed from `Git-2.16.2-64-bit.exe` from git-scm.com. `iconv` is
included in this package. I think `iconv` should have the encoding
`ISO646-SE2`. Ubuntu 16.04 has this encoding. I use it to read old
Swedish text files, which there are a lot of e.g.:
`curl -s https://www.abc.se/programbanken/abc/abc80/asmkod/basicii.txt |
dos2unix | iconv -f ISO646-SE2 -t UTF8 | less`
`ISO646-SE2` is used by e.g. the retro-computers Luxor
[ABC80](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABC_80) (1978) and
[ABC800](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABC_800)-series (1981). At my
university we only have Git Bash and not Ubuntu for WSL in Windows 10
(Not clear where I should report this, but one should be able to report
issues with the configuration of the other programs than `git` in the
package somewhere. If there is a better place, please let me know.)
Originally reported at https://github.com/git/git-scm.com/issues/1199