Hello, there are several timestamps in the lifecycle of a modification to a file in Git: • file write timestamp • git add timestamp • git commit timestamp • git push timestamp • git merge timestamp • git checkout timestamp Right now when I check out/clone a repository, all the files have the checkout timestamp as • ctime - creation time for the file • mtime - modification time for the file • atime - las access time for the file Not only does this force more work for timestamp-based build programs, it also deprives me, as a developer, of a visual 'file blame' that could be very useful in spotting changes without having to do git log over and over. I would like to propose that the checkout process set the create and modification times of a file to the timestamp at which a file was committed. When repository servers have different clocks - which is normal - each clone/merge/push should record the time offset. Each timestamp on each commit should be corrected to the repository's specific time, and that should be a marking on the history. Sincere regards, Andrew Wolfe