According to the gitattributes docs: "When more than one pattern matches the path, a later line overrides an earlier line. This overriding is done per attribute." I had a need to do this recently, and while the attributes are git-lfs specific, I think the issue may be generic. Summary: Trying to apply attributes to file extensions everywhere except in one directory. .gitattributes: *.[Pp][Nn][Gg] filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text /.readme-docs/ -filter=lfs -diff=lfs -merge=lfs Make some data: echo "asldkjfa;sldkjf;alsdjf" > ./.readme-docs/test.png git add -A Result: "git check-attr -a --cached -- ./readme-docs/test.png" still shows "filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs" attributes. Full details: Is this me misunderstanding something in the documentation? I would expect "./.readme-docs/" to match "./.readme-docs/test.png" and override the earlier "*.[Pp][Nn][Gg]" attributes. I have found the following overrides to work in lieu of the directory match: /.readme-docs/* -filter=lfs -diff=lfs -merge=lfs /.readme-docs/**/* -filter=lfs -diff=lfs -merge=lfs ...but I don't see a justification in the documentation for this working and the original directory filter not working. Thanks for any clarification or help you can provide, - Dakota