Thanks to Martin, I got git svnimport working on the Spring Rich Client
Sourceforge repository. The published SVN checkout command line was:
svn co https://spring-rich-c.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/spring-rich-c \
This translated into a git svnimport invocation of:
git-svnimport -i -v -o origin -T trunk/spring-richclient -t tags \
-b branches \
which works very well.
From this I assume that the usual translation from Sourceforge
published command lines works something like:
git svnimport -i -v -o origin -T trunk/<first path component> -t tags \
-b branches <URL>
Using a similar approach for a repo at code.google.com, I tried:
(Original) svn checkout http://webgoat.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ webgoat
(Funny, the initial path component had a space in it?!)
0 $ git-svn clone -T "trunk/ webgoat"
Initialized empty Git repository in .git/
Using higher level of URL: https://webgoat.googlecode.com/svn/trunk =>
W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably does not exist: (175002): RA
layer request failed: REPORT request failed on '/svn/!svn/bc/100':
REPORT of '/svn/!svn/bc/100': 200 OK (https://webgoat.googlecode.com)
Path 'trunk/trunk/ webgoat' was probably deleted:
RA layer request failed: REPORT request failed on '/svn/!svn/bc/126':
REPORT of '/svn/!svn/bc/126': 200 OK (https://webgoat.googlecode.com)
Will attempt to follow revisions r101 .. r126 committed before the deletion
0 $
This didn't actually do anything other than creating the .git directory
structure, and creating one svn related file, even though it exited with
a zero status (the prompt above includes the exit status of the previous
command), and gave no diagnostics or error messages (other than "Using
higher level . . . ")
1 $ find .git
However, the following command line does seem to work:
git-svn clone -T "trunk/ webgoat" https://webgoat.googlecode.com/svn/
Note that I manually removed the "trunk" component from the URL. This
suggests that there is something missing in the automatic "Using higher
level" detection code.
Hope this helps someone diagnose this bug, as well as use git for
accessing GoogleCode projects in the future.
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