I came across an odd behavior in Git related to case sensitivity when
deleting a checked out branch.
I was not able to find much information about it.
$ git checkout -b foo
$ git branch -d foo # error: Cannot delete branch 'foo' checked
out => this is expected, nothing happens since you are on branch 'foo'
$ git branch -d Foo # Deleted branch Foo => this is not expected,
Git removed 'foo' from .git/refs/heads
Git removed the 'foo' file from .git/refs/heads, but did not update the
.git/HEAD file which still contains "ref: refs/heads/foo".
In fact, everything looks like a "git checkout --orphan foo":
$ git status # On branch foo. No commits yet (the working
tree is staged)
$ git log # fatal: your current branch 'foo' does not
have any commits yet
$ git rev-parse HEAD -- # fatal: bad revision 'HEAD'
$ git fsck # notice: HEAD points to an unborn branch (foo)
You can run "git checkout <other_branch>" to get back on your feet as
you would after "git checkout --orphan foo".
The thing is, you get there unexpectedly without any warning, just with
a case sensitivity mistake in "git branch -d".
Even it is seems unlikely to happen, someone ran into this at my job.
Tested on Windows 2.15.1.windows.2 and 2.16.2.windows.1, and on Mac OS
(I think it was a 2.14 version).
Best regards,
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