Dear great team, Normal git tooling creates different files file.ORIG file.LOCAL file.REMOTE in case of conflicts. However `git stash pop` manipulates your files directly resulting in lines like: <<<<<<< Updated upstream >>>>>>> Stashed changes This can seriously corrupt files and workflows. If it is «the user's fault» or negligence then at least we're not the only one: 300000 'idiots' might hint at a UX problem. (factor 10 in darknet) -- Kind regards, Karsten Flügge, CEO GmbH Hagenkampsweg 10 25474 Hasloh Germany Mobile +49-176-64638989 Support +1-855-447-2666 E-Mail info@xxxxxxxxxxx Homepage Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Pinneberg HRB 7795 PI Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hasloh Steuernummer: 18/291/16961 USt-Id Nr: DE264064657 CEO: Karsten Flügge -- Kind regards, Karsten Flügge, CEO GmbH Hagenkampsweg 10 25474 Hasloh Germany Mobile +49-176-64638989 Support +1-855-447-2666 E-Mail info@xxxxxxxxxxx Homepage Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Pinneberg HRB 7795 PI Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hasloh Steuernummer: 18/291/16961 USt-Id Nr: DE264064657 CEO: Karsten Flügge