On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 4:17 AM, Brian Buchalter <bal711@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I am attempting to repair a git repo which has an illegal byte > sequence but am not sure how to proceed. Steps to reproduce: `git > clone https://github.com/christopherpow/nes-test-roms.git` results in: > > ``` > Cloning into 'nes-test-roms'... > remote: Counting objects: 1049, done. > remote: Total 1049 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1049 > Receiving objects: 100% (1049/1049), 5.23 MiB | 8.97 MiB/s, done. > Resolving deltas: 100% (406/406), done. > error: unable to create file other/Duelito - L�eme.txt: Illegal byte sequence > fatal: unable to checkout working tree > warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed. > You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' > and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD' > ``` You can clone my fork of this which fixes the issue: https://github.com/avar/nes-test-roms As for fixing this yourself, if your FS can't represent files in the repo the easiest thing is to clone it on a VM with an OS that can (e.g. Linux), or alternatively (and harder for non-experts) is to clone it with --bare and manually create a fixed tree with the various plumbing commands mentioned in "man git".