Hey guys Sometimes I tend to forget to commit changes before I checkout another branch and the following scenario happens (via cli on windows [with git bash]): 1. I checkout a branch, without having commited first > git checkout dev 2. I get this error message: > error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout: > // List of files > // .. > // > Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. But I would rather prefer a scenario like this: 1. I checkout a branch, without having commited first > git checkout dev 2. I get a message like this: > Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout: > // List of files > // .. > // > Would you want to commit first? (y/n)) IF y --> prompt for commit message and commit automatically IF n --> display error message: "Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches" This would be a faster/ more productive way to handle this error. I think it wont be a big challenge, you just should put a message in the cli-tool when this error occurs and call the commit functionality if "y" is pressed. If you'd like I'll even consider doing it myself. If you have some documentation or some tipps on where to look for it. Cheers Ninivaggi Mattia