Hi there! I've been working with Oscomo's project OpenBSC https://github.com/osmocom/openbsc and my old hardware won't work with the latest version, which is 0.15. So I asked for help to osmocom guys and there's someone who told me that his version is working with the same hardware I have, so have gave me the OpenBSC hash for it ( 7f100c9712de5c684462e809bf31a58c0c326337 ). To be honest I don't use git more apart of cloning repos, so I would like to know how can I pull the files for that hash. And since OpenBSC has some dependencies that are in osmocom's github repo, I don't know if I can get the version that worked for the one committed in the hash. Sorry for the noob question, but I've been googling and trying some stuff and my brain is now blocked. Help will be very appreciated :) Cheers! -- Alejandro Aguila Sáinz