Hi, I am a corporate user of git. I noticed that when you switch between the branches and do a git stash ( I miss spelled it as git stahs). Git asked if i meant git stash. and i entered yes. and git printed the character y infinite times. Below are the steps to reproduce. 1. create a local branch and make some code changes in the same branch. 2. now checkout another branch. git says Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout. 3. Now do git stahs ( spelling mistake ) 4. Now git says git: 'stahs' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? stash 5. Now types yes. and you will see character 'y' getting printed infinite times!. Though this is not a major bug, I thought notifying this would be a good idea. The above mentioned issue is reproducible in Mac Yosemite in git version 2.4.5 Thank you all for making our lives easier and better :).. -- REGARDS Rashmi Pai :)