On April 28, 2017 5:31 AM Miguel Angel Soriano Morales wrote: > I would like use git in my Company. We use Active directory for everything, but I prefer install git in ? > centos7. I Would like authenticate all my user in Git through Active Directory. And Every Project had > ACL permissions .It this possible? The first thing to remember is that local clones will usually be secured to the user who did the clone and are not usually subject to enterprise security rules or ACLs. Security is usually applied when interacting with an upstream repository from where you clone and push changes and authentication is important at that time. This might help: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2008.12.linux.aspx This discusses SSO for Linux. You should already be covered for Windows. However please give details on where your upstream repository is and what server which is likely where you have to authenticate. Typically authentication to upstream repositories is done through SSH - see git push. There are discussions of integrating SSH keys and AD here (and elsewhere): https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8aa28e34-2007-49fe-a689-e2 8e19b2757b/is-there-a-way-to-link-ssh-key-in-ad?forum=winserverDS You should also consider when, in your environment, to use GPG signing to definitively identify who did the change even in their local repository. AD is unlikely to help you there, unless you can use a custom attribute to store and manage a user's GPG key. Good luck! Cheers, Randall