The old implementation executed 'cvs status' for each file touched by
the patch
to be applied. The new code calls 'cvs status' only once and parses
output to collect status information of all files contained in the
cvs working
Runtime is now independent of the number of modified files. A
drawback is that
the new code retrieves status information for all files even if only
a few are
touched. The old implementation may be noticeably faster for small
patches to
large workingcopies. However, the old implementation doesn't scale if
files are touched, especially in remotely located cvs repositories.
Signed-off-by: Steffen Prohaska <prohaska@xxxxxx>
git-cvsexportcommit.perl | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/git-cvsexportcommit.perl b/git-cvsexportcommit.perl
index 6ed4719..4d91574 100755
--- a/git-cvsexportcommit.perl
+++ b/git-cvsexportcommit.perl
@@ -160,36 +160,64 @@ foreach my $p (@afiles) {
+# ... check dirs,
foreach my $d (@dirs) {
if (-e $d) {
$dirty = 1;
warn "$d exists and is not a directory!\n";
+# ... query and store status of files by parsing output of 'cvs
+# Note, we must use -n to avoid any modifications to working copy.
+# Otherwise the testsuite fails because it expects unmodfied CVS/
Entries files.
+my @cvsoutput;
+my %cvsstat;
+open CVSSTAT, "cvs -n status 2>&1 |" || die "failed to query cvs
+close CVSSTAT || die "failed to query cvs status";
+my ( $dir, $status, $file );
+foreach my $f (@cvsoutput) {
+# cvs reports directories on stderr before reporting file status on
+# using basename of 'Repository revision:' should be a safe way to
deal with whitespace in filenames.
+ chomp $f;
+ if ( $f =~ /^cvs status: Examining (.*)$/ ) {
+ $dir = $1;
+ if ( $dir ne "." ) {
+ $dir .= "/";
+ } else {
+ $dir = "";
+ }
+ } elsif ( $f =~ /Status: (.*)$/ ) {
+ $status = $1;
+ } elsif ( $f =~ /^ Repository revision:/ ) {
+ $f =~ s/,v$//;
+ $f =~ /([^\/]*)$/;
+ $file = $1;
+ $cvsstat{"$dir$file"} = $status;
+ }
+# ... validate new files,
foreach my $f (@afiles) {
# This should return only one value
if ($f =~ m,(.*)/[^/]*$,) {
my $p = $1;
next if (grep { $_ eq $p } @dirs);
- my @status = grep(m/^File/, safe_pipe_capture(@cvs, '-q',
'status' ,$f));
- if (@status > 1) { warn 'Strange! cvs status returned more than
one line?'};
- if (-d dirname $f and $status[0] !~ m/Status: Unknown$/
- and $status[0] !~ m/^File: no file /) {
+ if (defined ($cvsstat{$f})) {
$dirty = 1;
warn "File $f is already known in your CVS checkout --
perhaps it has been added by another user. Or this may indicate that
it exists on a different branch. If this is the case, use -f to force
the merge.\n";
- warn "Status was: $status[0]\n";
+ warn "Status was: $cvsstat{$f}\n";
+# ... validate known files.
foreach my $f (@files) {
next if grep { $_ eq $f } @afiles;
# TODO:we need to handle removed in cvs
- my @status = grep(m/^File/, safe_pipe_capture(@cvs, '-q',
'status' ,$f));
- if (@status > 1) { warn 'Strange! cvs status returned more than
one line?'};
- unless ($status[0] =~ m/Status: Up-to-date$/) {
+ unless (defined ($cvsstat{$f}) and $cvsstat{$f} eq "Up-to-date") {
$dirty = 1;
- warn "File $f not up to date in your CVS checkout!\n";
+ warn "File $f not up to date but has status '$cvsstat{$f}' in
your CVS checkout!\n";
if ($dirty) {
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