On 16 April 2017 at 12:25, Duy Nguyen <pclouds@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > git ls-files ':(glob)**/*' > > Without that '**' is a normal '*' and matching just subdirs is expected. But '*/' should match exactly one subdirectory deep. Instead it matches one more more subdirectories. Meaning it behaves the way '**/*/' should. Try the following in the git source repo: shopt -s globstar diff <(ls -1 */.gitignore | sort) <(git ls-files '*/.gitignore' | sort) diff <(ls -1 */**/.gitignore | sort) <(git ls-files '*/.gitignore' | sort) of course it works as expected if you say the magic word: diff <(ls -1 */.gitignore | sort) <(git ls-files ':(glob)*/.gitignore' | sort) -- Alistair Buxton a.j.buxton@xxxxxxxxx