Hello, I am unsure whether it's Windows only or not, so I'm sending here and CCing Dscho. At $DAYWORK, the code is versionned under SVN. Since I haven't used SVN before and try to have a clean and bisectable history, I installed git with the intent to manage my code locally before pushing to SVN when I'm satisfied (I haven't tries git-svn because I have never used it and would like to avoid screwing up the SVN repo by some mistake). So first to setup the local repo, I wanted to add all of the code files. So I first ran at the root of the repo: $ git add ./**.cpp Which is quite a big amount of files (partly because of external dependencies which would have been smart to exclude, but it's done). $ find -type f -name "**.cpp" | wc -l 8676 This command worked (return status is 0 and no error message). However following `git add **.hpp` and `git status` segfault with no additional message: $ git status Segmentation fault I didn't try to test other commands (`git diff --cached` works though). $ git --version git version 2.12.2.windows.1 This seems to be reproducible. Sadly I won't be able to share the repo where this happens. FWIW: $ git fsck notice: HEAD points to an unborn branch (master) Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done. notice: No default references Thanks, Rémi Galan Alfonso