Here's an easy to reproduce bug. It's the only example I know of where git legitimately loses data in a way that is unrecoverable, unexpected, and without warning. ``` git --version # git version 2.12.0 mkdir git-demo cd git-demo git init # Commit a file that will end up in .gitignore echo 'original settings' > mine.conf git add mine.conf git commit -m "Unknowingly committed my settings." echo '*.conf' > .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m "Users shouldn't commit their settings" # Spin off a feature branch here (but don't check it out) git branch feature # Realize that we don't want that file committed git rm mine.conf git commit -m "Delete mine.conf" echo 'Lots of laboriously tuned settings' > mine.conf # Hop on the feature branch to do some work git checkout feature # Hmmm... My settings are gone cat mine.conf # original settings # Lemme hop back git checkout master # Wait... they are gone for good! cat mine.conf # cat: mine.conf: No such file or directory ```