Hi Git-developers, First of all thanks for developing this wonderful scm tool. It's sooo versatile. I have been using git rebase heavily these days and seem to have found a bug. If there are two commit messages which have same prefix e.g. yyyyyy This is prefix xxxxxx This is prefix and message xxxxxx comitted before yyyyyy Now I commit a fixup to yyyyyy using git commit --fixup yyyyyy zzzzzz fixup! This is prefix When I run git rebase -i --autosquash, the script it shows me looks like pick xxxxxx This is prefix and message fixup zzzzzz fixup! This is prefix pick yyyyyy This is prefix I think the correct order is pick xxxxxx This is prefix and message pick yyyyyy This is prefix fixup zzzzzz fixup! This is prefix Is that right? I am using [ubuntu]git --version git version -- Best Wishes, Ashutosh Bapat EnterpriseDB Corporation The Postgres Database Company