Hi Git community, I'm new to GIT and responsible of a project to migrate our SVN repo to GIT. I've made the migration with the git-svn tools ... it was long, but everything seems fine ; source code is correct and all its history is there. It happen with our delivery workflow that we will have to use cherry-picks to prepare our patches, so I made some test on it. During those tests I saw a strange behaviour: I tried to cherry-pick onto a release branch a commit from the master that had been previously already merged onto this branch with SVN. GIT did not detect it and added the code a second time in the source file modified. I supposed this was du the fact the first merge had been made with SVN. I tried to cherry pick the same commit again ... and GIT add one more time the code of the commit. It appears I could cherry-pick this commit X times with GIT, and each time he added the code again. I looked in SVN, the merge property of the first commit from master to the release branch is ok. Our SVN repo has more than 22K revisions I found out that some other commits had the same behaviour. Is there a direction onto which I should investigate to determine where the problem comes from ? Here is an example of the multiple cherry pick. Branches: > git branch master * release/15.0.0 release/15.3.0 Check commit already exist on release (cb8c480) and get master hash (bee110c): > git log --oneline |grep GTX-20264 cb8c480 GTX-20264 : Missing end of string in field hostReference for custom network ack > git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. > git log --oneline |grep GTX-20264 bee110c GTX-20264 : Missing end of string in field hostReference for custom network ack > git checkout release/15.0.0 Switched to branch 'release/15.0.0' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/release/15.0.0'. And now I cherry-pick the master commit onto the release/15.0.0 a multiple of times: > git cherry-pick bee110c [release/15.0.0 e8bfc33] GTX-20264 : Missing end of string in field hostReference for custom network ack Author: Yann Delanoe <ydelanoe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) > git cherry-pick bee110c [release/15.0.0 2b98c8d] GTX-20264 : Missing end of string in field hostReference for custom network ack Author: Yann Delanoe <ydelanoe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) > git cherry-pick bee110c [release/15.0.0 820cd8a] GTX-20264 : Missing end of string in field hostReference for custom network ack Author: Yann Delanoe <ydelanoe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) Best regards Yann DELANOE - Product engineer - Bottomline technologies