On Fri, 9 Dec 2016 11:38:55 +0530 "Karamjeet Singh" <karamjeet.singh@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Dear git support, > My app is crashing whenever i launch the git bash tool. I am > attaching the error log file from the event viewer. Can you please > let me know what the issue is with it. > https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mhkmjn8bmh3x1oh/AABUKmhnn-HW2Kv5UVxdckN6a?dl=0 Hi! Your report misses lots of information required to even approach it: - What Git version are you using (the fact is: in each next version of a software package some bugs get fixed and others might creep in; so knowing an exact version is paramount). - What OS? Version, flavor, architecture (32/64 bit). - What software package (i.e. where did you get your Git install from)? >From the term "git bash", I gather you're talking about Git for Windows. If so, that project has its own bug tracker on Github [1] -- because it's still a project sort-of separate from the "vanilla" Git due to the fact it maintains a set of changes not yet in the Git proper, and they do packaging work, too. Please use that issue tracker in two steps: 1) Search it for your issue. Say, remove the "is:open" modifier from the search box in the tracker's web interface, put there the words "git", "bash" and "crash" and search. I'm sure you'll get a hefty amount of reports. Please see whether your issue is already reported. 2) If yes, and if (and only if) you have additional details about it, please summarise them in a comment. Please try to write that in plain English (plain bad non-native English is okay :-)); try not to post links to pictures or videos. They aren't indexed by search engines and require the maintainers to switch their context when reading your report/comment. On some platforms (say, w/o proper full-blown web browser) they can even be plain hard to even see. 3) If no, write your report there -- by filling the offerred template. Thanks. 1. https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/