On 09/10/16 08:48, Jason Pyeron wrote:
The whole .gitattributes needs to be adopted, I think
Git 2.10 or higher has "git ls-files --eol":
git ls-files --eol | grep "i/crlf.*auto"
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/site/xdoc/upgradeto2_3.xml
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/test/resources/test-file-gbk.bin
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/test/resources/test-file-utf8-win-linebr.bin
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/test/resources/test-file-windows-31j.bin
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/test/resources/test-file-x-windows-949.bin
i/crlf w/crlf attr/text=auto src/test/resources/test-file-x-windows-950.bin
xml file had been commited with CRLF : either normalize it or declare "-text".
The same is valid for the other files as well.
They are identified by auto as text, and commited with CRLF.
My feeling is that they should be declared as "-text".
Or, to be more compatible, with "-crlf":
Make up your mind about the xml file and the html files.
If they are text, they need to be normalized.
What happens, if you do this:
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* crlf=auto
*.bin -crlf
*.dat -crlf
*.java crlf diff=java
*.html crlf diff=html
*.css crlf
*.js crlf
*.sql crlf