Recently I have run into an issue with the git-completion.tcsh script where an error would occur upon sourcing the file on login. The error that would occur was: __git_tcsh_completion_version: Subscript out of range. In taking a look at the script, I noticed that when the script parses the tcsh version that I am running it does not put the output into an array. Thus, when it attempts to access subscript 2 of __git_tcsh_completion_version it throws the above error. To correct this, I changed set __git_tcsh_completion_version = ` \echo ${tcsh} | \sed 's/\./ /g'` to set __git_tcsh_completion_version = `( \echo ${tcsh} | \sed 's/\./ /g' )` and the script runs correctly. I could not find others having issues with this in the forums so I am not sure if this is unique to my system or not. Thought I would pass it along. For reference, I am running tcsh 6.17.00 on RHEL 6.8 Thanks. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at