Hi everyone,
the question how to list tags, that point to commits contained in a
certain branch came up on StackOverflow couple times, and this appears
to be the only fast solution (example for local devel branch):
git log --simplify-by-decoration --decorate --pretty=%d
"refs/heads/devel" | fgrep 'tag: '
It would be much much simpler, if the tag command supporter an optional
parameter to specify a branch:
git tag --list --branch devel
It should result in something like:
... even if all three Test-Tag* tags point to the same commit!
What above mentioned git log-solution does in this situtation is:
(HEAD, tag: Test-Tag1, tag: Test-Tag2, Test-Tag3, fork/devel, devel)
(tag: Another-Tag)
(tag: And-Another)
BTW: git describe FULL_HASH can't be used to return all tags that point
to the given hash. The only workaround seems to be:
git for-each-rev ref/tags | grep FULL_HASH
I hope you consider to add the proposed --branch option to a future git
version. Thanks!
SO question that started the discussion:
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