On 3/15/07, Bill Lear <rael@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This fails, and I was wondering if anyone has any experience using port-forwarding and the git protocol, or if it is not presently possible.
We do it all the time. We have an internal server for git hosting, and to use git+ssh you have to be inside the firewall. If you are outside, you have to run through several SSH hops to get through the firewall. We automate this using ssh-agent and keys forwarding. To get ssh to work for you transparently, what you need to do is to setup a special Host entry for your git server. For example, I have a Host gitproxied.yourdomain ProxyCommand ssh firewallhost "perl -MSocket -e '\$h=shift;socket(X,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname(\"tcp\"));connect(X,sockaddr_in(22,inet_aton(\$h)));\$x=fileno(X);vec(\$r,\$x,1)=1;vec(\$r,0,1)=1;\$|=1;\$0=\"connect to \$h\";while(1){1 until select(\$ro=\$r,undef,\$eo=\$r,undef);if(vec(\$ro,\$x,1)){recv(X,\$buf,2000,0);print \$buf;}elsif(vec(\$ro,0,1)){sysread(STDIN,\$buf,2000)or last;send(X,\$buf,0);}elsif(vec(\$eo,0,1)||vec(\$eo,\$x,1)){last}}' git.yourdomain" as I have several hops to go through, "firewallhost" has another Host entry, describing how to get to it. With this, when I'm outside the lan I can ssh into the "git" host by invoking "ssh gitproxied.yourdomain", sftp and scp work too. So I often have an "extra" remote called originproxied or similar. cheers, martin - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html