Hi Karl,
Karl Hasselström schrieb:
> You could try something like this:
trunk: svnrepos/projectA
tags: svnrepos/dummytags
branches: svnrepos/dummybranches
I haven't tested, but I think that kind of maneouver should work.
yes, that does the trick. I use:
$ cd ~/tmp/git-test
$ tar xvfj fooRepos.tar.bz2
$ mv fooRepos foorRepos.svnrepos
$ svn mkdir file:///home/georg/tmp/git-test/fooRepos.svnrepos/dummytags
$ svn mkdir file:///home/georg/tmp/git-test/foorRepos.svnrepos/dummybranches
$ mkdir fooRepos.git; cd fooRepos.git
$ git-svnimport -b dummybranches -t dummytags -T projectA
Unfortunately there was a bunch of directories instead of a single
projectA-directory. Do I have to repeat the above mentioned sequence for
every directory (projectA, projectB, ...) or is there a simple way of
git-svnimport'ing into an existing git-repository?
Nevertheless, if that is not possible, I could extract with your way
the desired directories separately and keep the histories intact.
Regards, Georg
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