On 13.05.2015 04:00, David Aguilar wrote:
+ if test -n "$ProgramW6432" && test -x "$ProgramW6432/$winmerge_exe"
+ then
+ printf '%s' "$ProgramW6432/$winmerge_exe"
I don't think it makes sense to check "$ProgramW6432". The content of
that variable depends on the bitness of the process requesting the
environment. Just checking "$PROGRAMFILES" and "$PROGRAMFILES(X86)"
should be sufficient and more clear.
Also, note that you should use all upper case names when referring to
Windows environment variables. While it's true that on plain Windows
environment variable names are case-insensitive, MSYS1/2 converts all
variable names to upper case and *is* case sensitive. I.e. while "echo
$PROGRAMFILES" works as expected from a Git Bash on Windows, "echo
$ProgramFiles" results in an empty string.
> + elif test -x "/c/Program Files (x86)/$winmerge_exe"
> + then
> + printf '%s' "/c/Program Files (x86)/$winmerge_exe"
> + elif test -x "/c/Program Files/$winmerge_exe"
> + then
> + printf '%s' "/c/Program Files/$winmerge_exe"
I also think these fallbacks can simply go away. It is *very* unlikely
that "$PROGRAMFILES" / "$PROGRAMFILES(X86)" point to something else but
WinMerge still is installed there.
Sebastian Schuberth
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