There's some feature of git that I have been missing.
When you have a lot of unstaged files, and would like to test what
happens if you undo some of the changes that you think are unecessary,
you would rather keep a copy of those changes somewhere.
For example
Changed but not updated:
M config_test.xml
M config_real.xml
I have changed both config_test.xml and config_real.xml, but I think the
changes made in config_test.xml are unnecessary. However, I would still
like to keep them somewhere in case it breaks something.
In this case for example, I would like to be able to stash only the file
git add config_test.xml
git stash --staged
So that after this, my git looks like this:
Changed but not updated:
M config_real.xml
and my stash contains only the changes introduced in config_test.xml
`git stash --keep-index` doesn't give the necessary control, because it
will still stash everything (and create unnecessary merge complications
if I change the files and apply the stash)
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