On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:06 AM, Andy Parkins wrote:
The ideas in this document come primarily from the "unresolved issues"
thread from the git mailing list. gmane/28388. In particular, from:
- Brian Gernhardt
I still get a kick out of seeing my name mentioned on the list. :-)
And if I'm getting some of the blame on me, (ew, get it off) I should
probably put in my $0.02.
+ For example:
+ ------------------------------------
+ [attributes "*.png"]
+ attribute = image/png
+ [attributes "*.c"]
+ attribute = text/plain
+ attribute = source-file
+ ------------------------------------
+ (This is pretty ugly, because of the "*" and "." in the section
+ however I can't think of another way of doing this without
resorting to
+ just copying the format of the .gitattributes file; like
[attribute "image/png"]
path = *.png
show = "open %path%"
[attribute "text/plain"]
path = *.c
checkout = eol_to_local
I also think that this is a better way for handlers to be
specified... see below.
+== Handlers
+At this point git would be in a position to answer the question "what
+attributes does this file have?" for any file in the tree.
+The handler system will allow us to specify operations that should be
+performed on files with particular attributes. For example, we might
+want to have text files automatically filtered to match local line
+ending conditions.
+[handler "fix-line-endings"]
+ attribute = text/plain
+ infilter = eol_lf
+ outfilter = eol_local
+This definition creates a handler named "fix-line-endings" (don't
+they actually need names) that would run the "eol_lf" filter on check
+in, and the "eol_local" filter on checkout.
I think it would be better to directly associated these with the
attribute, and have handler sections as shortcuts:
[handler "fix-line-endings"]
infilter = eol_lf
outfilter = eol_local
[attribute "text/plain"]
handler = fix-line-endings
[attribute "text/source"]
patch = *.source
handler = fix-line-endings
infilter = prettypatch
The file type (attribute, whatever) is the more user-important thing
here. It should, therefore, be the most visible thing when editing.
I wouldn't want to have to read through the entirety of my config to
find all of the handlers which affect a type, and it gathers all the
options in one place. Plus, it saves us from having to figure out in
what order multiple handler sections on the same attribute get run
in. They get run in whatever order they're specified in the
attribute's section.
+=== Handler Types
+=== Filter list
Both of these lists look right at first glance, although I think I
prefer something simple like "show" to "prettyfilter". And we might
want a "reject" or "none" for merges... Attempting to merge a bitmap
is madness, so the system should just output a <file>-
<head>.<extension> or similar.
+== Problems
+ - Initial Checkout
+ The .gitattributes file is not in the working directory, so how
+ find out what to apply to a file? The potential solution might
be to
+ use the in-repo .gitattributes for checking out; and the
+ .gitattributes when checking in.
+ - Merge of .gitattributes
+ What happens when .gitattributes conflicts during a merge?
We may have to special case .gitattributes. Force a checkout of it
before any files in the directory or subdirectories, and not just on
the initial checkout. Checking out .gitattributes first during
merges and pulls might be required and unmerged .gitattributes causes
a big warning that it has to be resolved, and causes the rest of the
repo to conform to the new attributes when it's resolved (possibly
causing more merge conflicts).
+ - Change of .gitattributes without change of files.
+ What happens when .gitattributes changes, but the files that
would be
+ affected by that change do not? Those files really should be
+ out again, to apply any new outfilter settings.
Actually, shouldn't the files also be run through the infilter to
check for changes caused by that, too?
Maybe this is a more like a nickel,
~~ Brian
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