I know that this has been mentioned before. So, I will only bring it
up once (from me at least).
I have a project that is currently over 2gigs without .git and
growing. It is a personal website that I use to provide/remind me of
things that I used to remember when I was younger. When you put a
GIT repostitory in it, you get almost 4gigs of space taken (and this
amount is growing all the time). Then I keep it centralized, because
I own several machines (OK, way too many, over 20 currently,
dedicated to Folding@Home). So, it takes up a lot of disk space over
all those machines.
Because it is so big, cloning no longer works. I can't remember the
exact errors, but I gave up and now tar up a semi-current version
and untar it on a new/re-installed machine. Then I do a "pull" to
update it and that works when the clone doesn't. I should mention
that I have only 2 windows machines, but run GIT on all the rest
which are Linux and MacOSX machines.
Anyway, for this one repository, I would really like GIT to support
the CVS/SVN central repository system. The rest of the time, I am
quite happy with GIT's distributed system even though all of my
repositories are really just for me.
Last, thanks for GIT. I really enjoy it and use it daily and have
never had it fail on me (no matter what I did!)!
Bob White
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