[PATCH] Add a Documentation directory inspired by the git one.

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The html and manpages are generated from asciidoc source.  Short
description strings are extracted from the python modules.

Only the stg(7) frontpage and the stg-new(1) command page are already
written.  A template is provided for new command pages.

This also reworks a couple of help strings and command classification.

Signed-off-by: Yann Dirson <ydirson@xxxxxxxxxx>

Here is a more complete starting point for writing StGIT
documentation.  Looks like I hit an asciidoc bug (look at generated
NAME sections), but appart from that I'm quite pleased with the
result.  But any constructive criticism is still happily accepted ;)

 Documentation/COMMAND-TEMPLATE.txt |   41 +++++++
 Documentation/Makefile             |   62 +++++++++++
 Documentation/asciidoc.conf        |   59 ++++++++++
 Documentation/build-docdep.perl    |   50 +++++++++
 Documentation/callouts.xsl         |   30 +++++
 Documentation/stg-new.txt          |  115 ++++++++++++++++++++
 Documentation/stg.txt              |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stgit/commands/branch.py           |    2 
 stgit/commands/clone.py            |    2 
 stgit/commands/export.py           |    2 
 stgit/commands/id.py               |    2 
 stgit/commands/patches.py          |    2 
 stgit/main.py                      |   12 +-
 13 files changed, 578 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/COMMAND-TEMPLATE.txt b/Documentation/COMMAND-TEMPLATE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d8a1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/COMMAND-TEMPLATE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+XXX <xxx@xxxxxx>
+v0.12.1, Xxxx 2007
+stg-NAME - stgdesc:NAME[]
+	<templates>/XXX
+	stgit.XXX
+Part of the StGIT suite - see gitlink:stg[7].
diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5520c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+MAN1_TXT=$(wildcard stg-*.txt)
+DOC_HTML=$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MAN1_TXT) $(MAN7_TXT))
+DOC_MAN1=$(patsubst %.txt,%.1,$(MAN1_TXT))
+DOC_MAN7=$(patsubst %.txt,%.7,$(MAN7_TXT))
+ASCIIDOC=asciidoc --unsafe
+# Please note that there is a minor bug in asciidoc.
+# The version after 6.0.3 _will_ include the patch found here:
+#   http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=git&m=111558757202243&w=2
+# Until that version is released you may have to apply the patch
+# yourself - yes, all 6 characters of it!
+all: html man
+html: $(DOC_HTML)
+$(DOC_HTML) $(DOC_MAN1) $(DOC_MAN7): asciidoc.conf
+man: man1 man7
+man1: $(DOC_MAN1)
+man7: $(DOC_MAN7)
+install: man
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m755 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m644 $(DOC_MAN1) $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m644 $(DOC_MAN7) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+# Determine "include::" file references in asciidoc files.
+doc.dep : $(wildcard *.txt) build-docdep.perl
+	rm -f $@+ $@
+	perl ./build-docdep.perl >$@+
+	mv $@+ $@
+-include doc.dep
+	rm -f *.xml *.html *.1 *.7 doc.dep
+%.html : %.txt
+	$(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 -d manpage -f asciidoc.conf $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) $<
+%.1 %.7 : %.xml
+	xmlto -m callouts.xsl man $<
+%.xml : %.txt
+	$(ASCIIDOC) -b docbook -d manpage -f asciidoc.conf $<
diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df8814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+## gitlink: macro
+# Usage: gitlink:command[manpage-section]
+# Note, {0} is the manpage section, while {target} is the command.
+# Show GIT link as: <command>(<section>); if section is defined, else just show
+# the command.
+# "unbreak" docbook-xsl v1.68 for manpages. v1.69 works with or without this.
+<a href="{target}.html">{target}{0?({0})}</a>
+# stglink
+<refentrytitle>stg {target}</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+<a href="stg-{target}.html">stg {target}(1)</a>
+# stgdesc
+{sys:../stg help|grep "  {target}" | tr -s ' '| cut -d' ' -f3-}
+	stgdesc:{target}[]
diff --git a/Documentation/build-docdep.perl b/Documentation/build-docdep.perl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..489389c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/build-docdep.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+my %include = ();
+my %included = ();
+for my $text (<*.txt>) {
+    open I, '<', $text || die "cannot read: $text";
+    while (<I>) {
+	if (/^include::/) {
+	    chomp;
+	    s/^include::\s*//;
+	    s/\[\]//;
+	    $include{$text}{$_} = 1;
+	    $included{$_} = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    close I;
+# Do we care about chained includes???
+my $changed = 1;
+while ($changed) {
+    $changed = 0;
+    while (my ($text, $included) = each %include) {
+	for my $i (keys %$included) {
+	    # $text has include::$i; if $i includes $j
+	    # $text indirectly includes $j.
+	    if (exists $include{$i}) {
+		for my $j (keys %{$include{$i}}) {
+		    if (!exists $include{$text}{$j}) {
+			$include{$text}{$j} = 1;
+			$included{$j} = 1;
+			$changed = 1;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+while (my ($text, $included) = each %include) {
+    if (! exists $included{$text} &&
+	(my $base = $text) =~ s/\.txt$//) {
+	my ($suffix) = '1';
+	if ($base eq 'git') {
+	    $suffix = '7'; # yuck...
+	}
+	print "$base.html $base.$suffix : ", join(" ", keys %$included), "\n";
+    }
diff --git a/Documentation/callouts.xsl b/Documentation/callouts.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a361a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/callouts.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- callout.xsl: converts asciidoc callouts to man page format -->
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">
+<xsl:template match="co">
+	<xsl:value-of select="concat('\fB(',substring-after(@id,'-'),')\fR')"/>
+<xsl:template match="calloutlist">
+	<xsl:text>.sp&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:apply-templates/>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+<xsl:template match="callout">
+	<xsl:value-of select="concat('\fB',substring-after(@arearefs,'-'),'. \fR')"/>
+	<xsl:apply-templates/>
+	<xsl:text>.br&#10;</xsl:text>
+<!-- sorry, this is not about callouts, but attempts to work around
+ spurious .sp at the tail of the line docbook stylesheets seem to add -->
+<xsl:template match="simpara">
+  <xsl:variable name="content">
+    <xsl:apply-templates/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($content)"/>
+  <xsl:if test="not(ancestor::authorblurb) and
+                not(ancestor::personblurb)">
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:if>
diff --git a/Documentation/stg-new.txt b/Documentation/stg-new.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698816b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/stg-new.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Yann Dirson <ydirson@xxxxxxxxxx>
+v0.12.1, February 2007
+stg-new - stgdesc:new[]
+stg new [OPTIONS] <name>
+Create a new, empty patch with the given <name> on the current stack.
+The new patch is created on top of the currently applied patches, and
+is made the new top of the stack.  The local changes in the working
+tree are not included in the patch. A stglink:refresh[] command is
+needed for this.
+An editor will be launched to edit the commit message to be used for
+the patch, unless the '--message' flag already specified one.  The
+'patchdescr.tmpl' template file is used if available to pre-fill the
+editor.  The editor to use is taken from the first of the following
+sources of information, and defaults to 'vi':
+. the 'stgit.editor' GIT configuration variable
+. the 'EDITOR' environment variable
+The message and other GIT commit attributes can be modified later
+using stglink:refresh[].
+The author name (resp. email) to record in the StGIT patch is taken
+from the first of the following sources for the information:
+. the '--authname' (resp. '--authemail') or '--author' flag on command-line
+. the 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' (resp. 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL') environment variable
+. the 'user.name' (resp. 'user.email') GIT configuration variable
+Similarly, the committer name (resp. email) is taken from the first of
+the following sources:
+. the '--commname' (resp. '--commemail') flag on command-line
+. the 'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME' (resp. 'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL') environment variable
+. the 'user.name' (resp. 'user.email') GIT configuration variable
+The GIT commit generated by stglink:refresh[] will use these
+informations when available.  If one of them is not available, GIT
+will pick the value from your machine's configuration at that time, as
+described in gitlink:git-commit-tree[1].
+	The short name that will be used as to identify the patch in
+	other StGIT commands.  Must be unique in the stack.  May only
+	contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.
+-m <message>::
+	Use <message> as the patch description.
+	Show the patch content in the editor buffer.  This flag does
+	nothing if '-m' is also specified.
+--author="Name <email@company>"::
+-a "Name <email@company>"::
+	Use "Name <email@company>" as the author details.  This form
+	sets both 'authname' and 'authemail'.
+	Use <name> as the author name
+	Use <email> as the author e-mail
+	Use <date> as the author date
+	Use <name> as the committer name
+	Use <email> as the committer e-mail
+	<templates>/patchdescr.tmpl
+	user.name
+	user.email
+	stgit.editor
+Part of the StGIT suite - see gitlink:stg[7].
diff --git a/Documentation/stg.txt b/Documentation/stg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..571e53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/stg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+Yann Dirson <ydirson@xxxxxxxxxx>
+v0.12.1, February 2007
+stg - manage stacks of patches using the GIT content tracker
+'stg' [--version] [--help] <command> [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
+StGIT (Stacked GIT) is an application providing similar functionality
+to Quilt (i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack), on top of
+GIT. These operations are performed using GIT commands and the patches
+are stored as GIT commit objects, allowing easy merging of the StGIT
+patches into other repositories using standard GIT functionality.
+Typical uses of StGIT include:
+Tracking branch::
+	Maintaining modifications against a remote branch, possibly
+	with the intent of sending some patches upstream.  StGIT
+	assists in preparing and cleaning up patches until they are
+	acceptable upstream, as well as maintaining local patches not
+	meant to be sent upstream.
+Development branch::
+	Preparing and testing your commits before publishing them,
+	separating your features from unrelated bugfixes collected
+	while developping.
+	Prints the StGIT suite version that the 'stg' program came
+	from, as well as version of other components used, such as GIT
+	and Python.
+	Prints the synopsis and a list of all commands.  If a git
+	command is given this option will display the specific help
+	for that command.
+We divide StGIT commands in thematic groups, according to the primary
+type of object they create or change.
+Here is a short description of each command. A more detailed
+description is available in individual command manpages.  Those
+manpages are named 'stg-<command>(1)'.
+Generic commands
+User-support commands not touching the repository.
+	stgdesc:help[]
+	stgdesc:version[]
+	stgdesc:copyright[]
+Repository commands
+	stgdesc:clone[]
+	stgdesc:id[]
+Stack commands
+Stack management
+	stgdesc:branch[]
+	stgdesc:init[]
+	stgdesc:clean[]
+	stgdesc:pull[]
+	stgdesc:rebase[]
+	stgdesc:commit[]
+	stgdesc:uncommit[]
+	stgdesc:assimilate[]
+Controlling what patches are applied
+	stgdesc:series[]
+	stgdesc:push[]
+	stgdesc:pop[]
+	stgdesc:goto[]
+	stgdesc:float[]
+	stgdesc:applied[]
+	stgdesc:unapplied[]
+	stgdesc:top[]
+	stgdesc:hide[]
+	stgdesc:unhide[]
+Miscellaneous stack commands
+	stgdesc:patches[]
+Patch commands
+Patch management
+	stgdesc:new[]
+	stgdesc:delete[]
+	stgdesc:rename[]
+	stgdesc:log[]
+Controlling patch contents
+	stgdesc:files[]
+	stgdesc:show[]
+	stgdesc:refresh[]
+	stgdesc:fold[]
+	stgdesc:pick[]
+	stgdesc:sync[]
+Interaction with the rest of the world
+	stgdesc:export[]
+	stgdesc:import[]
+	stgdesc:mail[]
+Working-copy commands
+	stgdesc:add[]
+	stgdesc:rm[]
+	stgdesc:status[]
+	stgdesc:diff[]
+	stgdesc:resolved[]
+Starting with 0.12, StGIT uses the same configuration mechanism as
+GIT.  See gitlink:git[7] for more details.
+A number of StGIT commands make use of template files to provide
+useful default texts to be edited by the user.  These '<name>.tmpl'
+template files are searched in the following directories:
+	$HOME/.stgit/templates/
+	/usr/share/stgit/templates/
diff --git a/stgit/commands/branch.py b/stgit/commands/branch.py
index 032218a..eff0121 100644
--- a/stgit/commands/branch.py
+++ b/stgit/commands/branch.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from stgit.utils import *
 from stgit import stack, git, basedir
-help = 'manage development branches'
+help = 'manage patch stacks'
 usage = """%prog [options] branch-name [commit-id]
 Create, clone, switch between, rename, or delete development branches
diff --git a/stgit/commands/clone.py b/stgit/commands/clone.py
index 455dd6e..15139c8 100644
--- a/stgit/commands/clone.py
+++ b/stgit/commands/clone.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from stgit.utils import *
 from stgit import stack, git
-help = 'clone a remote repository into local storage'
+help = 'make a local clone of a remote repository'
 usage = """%prog [options] <repository> <dir>
 Clone a GIT <repository> into the local <dir> and initialise the
diff --git a/stgit/commands/export.py b/stgit/commands/export.py
index 35a25ba..79b8630 100644
--- a/stgit/commands/export.py
+++ b/stgit/commands/export.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from stgit.utils import *
 from stgit import stack, git, templates
-help = 'exports a series of patches to <dir> (or patches)'
+help = 'exports patches to a directory'
 usage = """%prog [options] [<patch1>] [<patch2>] [<patch3>..<patch4>]
 Export a range of applied patches to a given directory (defaults to
diff --git a/stgit/commands/id.py b/stgit/commands/id.py
index 284589a..4226adf 100644
--- a/stgit/commands/id.py
+++ b/stgit/commands/id.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from stgit.utils import *
 from stgit import stack, git
-help = 'print the hash value of a GIT id'
+help = 'print the GIT hash value of a StGIT reference'
 usage = """%prog [options] [id]
 Print the hash value of a GIT id (defaulting to HEAD). In addition to
diff --git a/stgit/commands/patches.py b/stgit/commands/patches.py
index 7da74ba..01708b0 100644
--- a/stgit/commands/patches.py
+++ b/stgit/commands/patches.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from stgit.utils import *
 from stgit import stack, git
-help = 'show the patches modifying a file'
+help = 'show the applied patches modifying a file'
 usage = """%prog [options] <file> [<file>...]
 Show the applied patches modifying the given files. The '--diff'
diff --git a/stgit/main.py b/stgit/main.py
index 933f127..f77fba8 100644
--- a/stgit/main.py
+++ b/stgit/main.py
@@ -102,28 +102,29 @@ commands = Commands({
 # classification: repository, stack, patch, working copy
 repocommands = (
-    'branch',
-    'pull'
 stackcommands = (
+    'branch',
+    'patches',
+    'pull',
-    'unhide'
+    'unhide',
 patchcommands = (
@@ -138,15 +139,14 @@ patchcommands = (
-    'sync'
+    'sync',
 wccommands = (
-    'patches',
-    'status'
+    'status',
 def _print_helpstring(cmd):

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