Start from an empty repository like so: : gitster track; git init Initialized empty Git repository in /var/tmp/x/track/.git/ : gitster track/master; git commit --allow-empty -m initial [master (root-commit) abdcd1c] initial : gitster track/master; git branch foo : gitster track/master; git branch bar : gitster track/master; git commit --allow-empty -m second [master 78e28f4] second Now, 'master' has two commits, while 'foo' and 'bar' both are one commit behind, pointing at 'master^1'. Let's tell these branches that they are both supposed to be building on top of 'master'. : gitster track/master; git config . : gitster track/master; git config refs/heads/master : gitster track/master; git config . : gitster track/master; git config master The difference between the two is that 'foo' spells the @{upstream} branch in full (which is the recommended practice), while 'bar' is loose and asks for 'master'. Let's see what happens on these two branches. First 'foo': : gitster track/master; git checkout foo Switched to branch 'foo' Your branch is behind 'master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) : gitster track/foo; git pull From . * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Updating abdcd1c..78e28f4 Fast-forward The 'checkout' correctly reports that 'foo' is building on (local) 'master'. 'pull' works as expected, of course. Now, here is the bug part. The same thing on 'bar': : gitster track/foo; git checkout bar Switched to branch 'bar' Your branch is based on 'master', but the upstream is gone. (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup) It knows about 'master', but what is "the upstream is gone"? It is our local repository and it definitely is not gone. But 'pull' of course works as expected (this behaviour is older and stable for a long time since even before @{upstream} was invented). : gitster track/bar; git pull From . * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Updating abdcd1c..78e28f4 Fast-forward I suspect that the real culprit is somewhere in wt-status.c : gitster track/bar; git status On branch bar Your branch is based on 'master', but the upstream is gone. (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup) nothing to commit, working directory clean Resolving @{upstream} works just fine for both. : gitster track/bar; git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name foo@{upstream} refs/heads/master : gitster track/bar; git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name bar@{upstream} refs/heads/master Thanks. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at