[PATCH] git exproll: steps to tackle gc aggression

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This is the rough explanation I wrote down after reading it:

So, the problem is that my .git/objects/pack is polluted with little
packs everytime I fetch (or push, if you're the server), and this is
problematic from the perspective of a overtly (naively) aggressive gc
that hammers out all fragmentation.  So, on the first run, the little
packfiles I have are all "consolidated" into big packfiles; you also
write .keep files to say that "don't gc these big packs we just
generated".  In subsequent runs, the little packfiles from the fetch are
absorbed into a pack that is immune to gc.  You're also using a size
heuristic, to consolidate similarly sized packfiles.  You also have a
--ratio to tweak the ratio of sizes.

From: Martin Fick<mfick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
See: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/35215/
Thread: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/231555
(Martin's emails are missing from the archive)
 Not a candidate for inclusion, given how difficult it is to convince
 our conservative maintainer to add anything new to the tree.

 I'm posting this in the interest of visibility: I've checked it into
 my repo and started using it. I encourage everyone else to do the
 same, so we can learn from it and discuss how to improve gc.

 contrib/exproll/git-exproll.sh | 566 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 566 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 contrib/exproll/git-exproll.sh

diff --git a/contrib/exproll/git-exproll.sh b/contrib/exproll/git-exproll.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9526d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/exproll/git-exproll.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+#    # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#    # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#       with the distribution.
+#    # Neither the name of Code Aurora Forum, Inc. nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+usage() { # error_message
+    cat <<-EOF
+		usage: $(basename $0) [-unvt] [--noref] [--nolosse] [-r|--ratio number]
+		                      [git gc option...] git.repo
+		-u|-h                usage/help
+		-v verbose
+		-n dry-run           don't actually repack anything
+		-t touch             treat repo as if it had been touched
+		--noref              avoid extra ref packing timestamp checking
+		--noloose            do not run just because there are loose object dirs
+		                     (repacking may still run if they are referenced)
+		-r ratio <number>    packfile ratio to aim for (default 10)
+		git gc option        will be passed as args to git gc
+		git.repo             to run gc against
+		Garbage collect using a pseudo logarithmic packfile maintenance
+		approach.  This approach attempts to minimize packfile churn
+		by keeping several generations of varying sized packfiles around
+		and only consolidating packfiles (or loose objects) which are
+		either new packfiles, or packfiles close to the same size as
+		another packfile.
+		An estimate is used to predict when rollups (one consolidation
+		would cause another consolidation) would occur so that this
+		rollup can be done all at once via a single repack.  This reduces
+		both the runtime and the pack file churn in rollup cases.
+		Approach: plan each consolidation by creating a table like this:
+		Id Keep Size           Sha1(or consolidation list)      Actions(repack down up note)
+		1     - 11356          9052edfb7392646cd4e5f362b953675985f01f96 y - - New
+		2     - 429088         010904d5c11cd26a79fda91b01ab454d1001b402 y - - New
+		c1    - 440444         [1,2]                                    - - -
+		Id:    numbers preceded by a c are estimated "c pack" files
+		Keep:  - none, k private keep, o our keep
+		Size:  in disk blocks (default du output)
+		Sha1:  of packfile, or consolidation list of packfile ids
+		Actions
+		repack: - n no, y yes
+		down:   - noop, ^ consolidate with a file above
+		up:     - noop, v consolidate with a file below
+		note:   Human description of script decisions:
+		         New (file is a new packfile)
+		         Consolidate with:<list of packfile ids>
+		         (too far from:<list of packfile ids>)
+		On the first pass, always consolidate any new packfiles along
+		with loose objects and along with any packfiles which are within
+		the ratio size of their predecessors (note, the list is ordered
+		by increasing size).  After each consolidation, insert a fake
+		consolidation, or "c pack", to naively represent the size and
+		ordered positioning of the anticipated new consolidated pack.
+		Every time a new pack is planned, rescan the list in case the
+		new "c pack" would cause more consolidation...
+		Once the packfiles which need consolidation are determined, the
+		packfiles which will not be consolidated are marked with a .keep
+		file, and those which will be consolidated will have their .keep
+		removed if they have one.  Thus, the packfiles with a .keep will
+		not get repacked.
+		Packfile consolidation is determined by the --ratio parameter
+		(default is 10).  This ratio is somewhat of a tradeoff.  The
+		smaller the number, the more packfiles will be kept on average;
+		this increases disk utilization somewhat.  However, a larger
+		ratio causes greater churn and may increase disk utilization due
+		to deleted packfiles not being reclaimed since they may still be
+		kept open by long running applications such as Gerrit.  Sane
+		ratio values are probably between 2 and 10.  Since most
+		consolidations actually end up smaller than the estimated
+		consolidated packfile size (due to compression), the true ratio
+		achieved will likely be 1 to 2 greater than the target ratio.
+		The smaller the target ratio, the greater this discrepancy.
+		Finally, attempt to skip garbage collection entirely on untouched
+		repos.  In order to determine if a repo has been touched, use the
+		timestamp on the script's keep files, if any relevant file/dir
+		is newer than a keep marker file, assume that the repo has been
+		touched and gc needs to run.  Also assume gc needs to run whenever
+		there are loose object dirs since they may contain untouched
+		unreferenced loose objects which need to be pruned (once they
+		expire).
+		In order to allow the keep files to be an effective timestamp
+		marker to detect relevant changes in a repo since the last run,
+		all relevant files and directories which may be modified during a
+		gc run (even during a noop gc run), must have their timestamps
+		reset to the same time as the keep files or gc will always run
+		even on untouched repos.  The relevant files/dirs are all those
+		files and directories which garbage collection, object packing,
+		ref packing and pruning might change during noop actions.
+    [ -n "$1" ] && info "ERROR $1"
+    exit
+debug() { [ -n "$SW_V" ] && info "$1" ; }
+info() { echo "$1" >&2 ; }
+array_copy() { #v2 # array_src array_dst
+    local src=$1 dst=$2
+    local s i=0
+    eval s=\${#$src[@]}
+    while [ $i -lt $s ] ; do
+        eval $dst[$i]=\"\${$src[$i]}\"
+        i=$(($i + 1))
+    done
+array_equals() { #v2 # array_name [vals...]
+    local a=$1 ; shift
+    local s=0 t=() val
+    array_copy "$a" t
+    for s in "${!t[@]}" ; do s=$((s+1)) ; done
+    [ "$s" -ne "$#" ] && return 1
+    for val in "${t[@]}" ; do
+        [ "$val" = "$1" ] || return 2
+        shift
+    done
+    return 0
+packs_sizes() { # git.repo > "size pack"...
+    du -s "$1"/objects/pack/pack-$SHA1.pack | sort -n 2> /dev/null
+is_ourkeep() { grep -q "$KEEP" "$1" 2> /dev/null ; } # keep
+has_ourkeep() { is_ourkeep "$(keep_for "$1")" ; } # pack
+has_keep() { [ -f "$(keep_for "$1")" ] ; } # pack
+is_repo() { [ -d "$1/objects" ] && [ -d "$1/refs/heads" ] ; } # git.repo
+keep() { # pack   # returns true if we added our keep
+    keep=$(keep_for "$1")
+    [ -f "$keep" ] && return 1
+    echo "$KEEP" > "$keep"
+    return 0
+keep_for() { # packfile > keepfile
+    local keep=$(echo "$1" | sed -es'/\.pack$/.keep/')
+    [ "${keep/.keep}" = "$keep" ] && return 1
+    echo "$keep"
+idx_for() { # packfile > idxfile
+    local idx=$(echo "$1" | sed -es'/\.pack$/.idx/')
+    [ "${idx/.idx}" = "$idx" ] && return 1
+    echo "$idx"
+# pack_or_keep_file > sha
+sha_for() { echo "$1" | sed -es'|\(.*/\)*pack-\([^.]*\)\..*$|\2|' ; }
+private_keeps() { # git.repo -> sets pkeeps
+    local repo=$1 ary=$2
+    local keep keeps=("$repo"/objects/pack/pack-$SHA1.keep)
+    pkeeps=()
+    for keep in "${keeps[@]}" ; do
+        is_ourkeep "$keep" || pkeeps=("${pkeeps[@]}" "$keep")
+    done
+is_tooclose() { [ "$(($1 * $RATIO))" -gt "$2" ] ; } # smaller larger
+unique() { # [args...] > unique_words
+    local lines=$(while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo "$1" ; shift ; done)
+    lines=$(echo "$lines" | sort -u)
+    echo $lines  # as words
+outfs() { # fs [args...] > argfs...
+    local fs=$1 ; shift
+    [ $# -gt 0 ] && echo -n "$1" ; shift
+    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo -n "$fs$1" ; shift ; done
+sort_list() { # < list > formatted_list
+    # n has_keep size sha repack down up note
+    awk '{ note=$8; for(i=8;i<NF;i++) note=note " "$(i+1)
+           printf("%-5s %s %-14s %-40s %s %s %s %s\n", \
+                     $1,$2,   $3,  $4, $5,$6,$7,note)}' |\
+        sort -k 3,3n -k 1,1n
+is_touched() { # git.repo
+    local repo=$1
+    local loose keep ours newer
+    [ -n "$SW_T" ] && { debug "$SW_T -> treat as touched" ; return 0 ; }
+    if [ -z "$SW_LOOSE" ] ; then
+        # If there are loose objects, they may need to be pruned,
+        # run even if nothing has really been touched.
+        loose=$(find "$repo/objects" -type d \
+                      -wholename "$repo/objects/[0-9][0-9]"
+                      -print -quit 2>/dev/null)
+        [ -n "$loose" ] && { info "There are loose object directories" ; return 0 ; }
+    fi
+    # If we don't have a keep, the current packfiles may not have been
+    # compressed with the current gc policy (gc may never have been run),
+    # so run at least once to repack everything.  Also, we need a marker
+    # file for timestamp tracking (a dir needs to detect changes within
+    # it, so it cannot be a marker) and our keeps are something we control,
+    # use them.
+    for keep in "$repo"/objects/pack/pack-$SHA1.keep ; do
+        is_ourkeep "$keep" && { ours=$keep ; break ; }
+    done
+    [ -z "$ours" ] && { info 'We have no keep (we have never run?): run' ; return 0 ; }
+    debug "Our timestamp keep: $ours"
+    # The wholename stuff seems to get touched by a noop git gc
+    newer=$(find "$repo/objects" "$repo/refs" "$repo/packed-refs" \
+                  '!' -wholename "$repo/objects/info" \
+                  '!' -wholename "$repo/objects/info/*" \
+                  -newer "$ours" \
+                  -print -quit 2>/dev/null)
+    [ -z "$newer" ] && return 1
+    info "Touched since last run: $newer"
+    return 0
+touch_refs() { # git.repo start_date refs
+    local repo=$1 start_date=$2 refs=$3
+    (
+        debug "Setting start date($start_date) on unpacked refs:"
+        debug "$refs"
+        cd "$repo/refs" || return
+        # safe to assume no newlines in a ref name
+        echo "$refs" | xargs -d '\n' -n 1 touch -c -d "$start_date"
+    )
+set_start_date() { # git.repo start_date refs refdirs packedrefs [packs]
+    local repo=$1 start_date=$2 refs=$3 refdirs=$4 packedrefs=$5 ; shift 5
+    local pack keep idx repacked
+    # This stuff is touched during object packs
+    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+        pack=$1 ; shift
+        keep="$(keep_for "$pack")"
+        idx="$(idx_for "$pack")"
+        touch -c -d "$start_date" "$pack" "$keep" "$idx"
+        debug "Setting start date on: $pack $keep $idx"
+    done
+    # This will prevent us from detecting any deletes in the pack dir
+    # since gc ran, except for private keeps which we are checking
+    # manually.  But there really shouldn't be any other relevant deletes
+    # in this dir which should cause us to rerun next time, deleting a
+    # pack or index file by anything but gc would be bad!
+    debug "Setting start date on pack dir: $start_date"
+    touch -c -d "$start_date" "$repo/objects/pack"
+    if [ -z "$SW_REFS" ] ; then
+        repacked=$(find "$repo/packed-refs" -newer "$repo/objects/pack"
+                      -print -quit 2>/dev/null)
+        if [ -n "$repacked" ] ; then
+            # The ref dirs and packed-ref files seem to get touched even on
+            # a noop refpacking
+            debug "Setting start date on packed-refs"
+            touch -c -d "$start_date" "$repo/packed-refs"
+            touch_refs "$repo" "$start_date" "$refdirs"
+            # A ref repack does not imply a ref change, but since it is
+            # hard to tell, simply assume so
+            if [ "$refs" != "$(cd "$repo/refs" ; find -depth)" ] || \
+               [ "$packedrefs" != "$(<"$repo/packed-refs")" ] ; then
+                # We retouch if needed (instead of simply checking then
+                # touching) to avoid a race between the check and the set.
+                debug "  but refs actually got packed, so retouch packed-refs"
+                touch -c "$repo/packed-refs"
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+note_consolidate() { # note entry > note (no duplicated consolidated entries)
+    local note=$1 entry=$2
+    local entries=() ifs=$IFS
+    if  echo "$note" | grep -q 'Consolidate with:[0-9,c]' ; then
+        IFS=,
+        entries=( $(echo "$note" | sed -es'/^.*Consolidate with:\([0-9,c]*\).*$/\1/') )
+        note=( $(echo "$note" | sed -es'/Consolidate with:[0-9,c]*//') )
+        IFS=$ifs
+    fi
+    entries=( $(unique "${entries[@]}" "$entry") )
+    echo "$note Consolidate with:$(outfs , "${entries[@]}")"
+note_toofar() { # note entry > note (no duplicated "too far" entries)
+    local note=$1 entry=$2
+    local entries=() ifs=$IFS
+    if  echo "$note" | grep -q '(too far from:[0-9,c]*)' ; then
+        IFS=,
+        entries=( $(echo "$note" | sed -es'/^.*(too far from:\([0-9,c]*\)).*$/\1/') )
+        note=( $(echo "$note" | sed -es'/(too far from:[0-9,c]*)//') )
+        IFS=$ifs
+    fi
+    entries=( $(unique "${entries[@]}" "$entry") )
+    echo "$note (too far from:$(outfs , "${entries[@]}"))"
+last_entry() { # isRepack pline repackline > last_rows_entry
+    local size_hit=$1 pline=$2 repackline=$3
+    if [ -n "$pline" ] ; then
+        if [ -n "$size_hit" ] ; then
+            echo "$repack_line"
+        else
+            echo "$pline"
+        fi
+    fi
+init_list() { # git.repo > shortlist
+    local repo=$1
+    local file
+    local n has_keep size sha repack
+    packs_sizes "$1" | {
+        while read size file ; do
+            n=$((n+1))
+            repack=n
+            has_keep=-
+            if has_keep "$file" ; then
+                has_keep=k
+                has_ourkeep "$file" && has_keep=o
+            fi
+            sha=$(sha_for "$file")
+            echo "$n $has_keep $size $sha $repack"
+        done
+    } | sort_list
+consolidate_list() { # run < list > list
+    local run=$1
+    local sum=0 psize=0 sum_size=0 size_hit pn clist pline repackline
+    local n has_keep size sha repack down up note
+    {
+        while read n has_keep size sha repack down up note; do
+            [ -z "$up" ] && up='-'
+            [ -z "$down" ] && down="-"
+            if [ "$has_keep" = "k" ] ; then
+                echo "$n $has_keep $size $sha $repack - - Private"
+                continue
+            fi
+            if [ "$repack" = "n" ] ; then
+                if is_tooclose $psize $size ; then
+                    size_hit=y
+                    repack=y
+                    sum=$(($sum + $sum_size + $size))
+                    sum_size=0 # Prevents double summing this entry
+                    clist=($(unique "${clist[@]}" $pn $n))
+                    down="^"
+                    [ "$has_keep" = "-" ] && note="$note New +"
+                    note=$(note_consolidate "$note" "$pn")
+                elif [ "$has_keep" = "-" ] ; then
+                    repack=y
+                    sum=$(($sum + $size))
+                    sum_size=0 # Prevents double summing this entry
+                    clist=($(unique "${clist[@]}" $n))
+                    note="$note New"
+                elif [ $psize -ne 0 ] ; then
+                    sum_size=$size
+                    down="!"
+                    note=$(note_toofar "$note" "$pn")
+                else
+                    sum_size=$size
+                fi
+            else
+                sum_size=$size
+            fi
+            # By preventing "c files" (consolidated) from being marked
+            # "repack" they won't get keeps
+            repack2=y
+            [ "${n/c}" != "$n" ] && { repack=- ; repack2=- ; }
+            last_entry "$size_hit" "$pline" "$repack_line"
+            # Delay the printout until we know whether we are
+            # being consolidated with the entry following us
+            # (we won't know until the next iteration).
+            # size_hit is used to determine which of the lines
+            # below will actually get printed above on the next
+            # iteration.
+            pline="$n $has_keep $size $sha $repack $down $up $note"
+            repack_line="$n $has_keep $size $sha $repack2 $down v $note"
+            pn=$n ; psize=$size # previous entry data
+            size_hit='' # will not be consolidated up
+        done
+        last_entry "$size_hit" "$pline" "$repack_line"
+        [ $sum -gt 0 ] && echo "c$run - $sum [$(outfs , "${clist[@]}")] - - -"
+    } | sort_list
+process_list() { # git.repo > list
+    local list=$(init_list "$1")  plist run=0
+    while true ; do
+        plist=$list
+        run=$((run +1))
+        list=$(echo "$list" | consolidate_list "$run")
+        if [ "$plist" != "$list" ] ; then
+            debug "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+            debug "$HEADER"
+            debug "$list"
+        else
+            break
+        fi
+    done
+    debug "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+    echo "$list"
+repack_list() { # git.repo < list
+    local repo=$1
+    local start_date newpacks=0 pkeeps keeps=1 refs refdirs rtn
+    local packedrefs=$(<"$repo/packed-refs")
+    # so they don't appear touched after a noop refpacking
+    if [ -z "$SW_REFS" ] ; then
+        refs=$(cd "$repo/refs" ; find -depth)
+        refdirs=$(cd "$repo/refs" ; find -type d -depth)
+        debug "Before refs:"
+        debug "$refs"
+    fi
+    # Find a private keep snapshot which has not changed from
+    # before our start_date so private keep deletions during gc
+    # can be detected
+    while ! array_equals pkeeps "${keeps[@]}" ; do
+       debug "Getting a private keep snapshot"
+       private_keeps "$repo"
+       keeps=("${pkeeps[@]}")
+       debug "before keeps: ${keeps[*]}"
+       start_date=$(date)
+       private_keeps "$repo"
+       debug "after keeps: ${pkeeps[*]}"
+    done
+    while read n has_keep size sha repack down up note; do
+        if [ "$repack" = "y" ] ; then
+            keep="$repo/objects/pack/pack-$sha.keep"
+            info "Repacking $repo/objects/pack/pack-$sha.pack"
+            [ -f "$keep" ] && rm -f "$keep"
+        fi
+    done
+    ( cd "$repo" && git gc "${GC_OPTS[@]}" ) ; rtn=$?
+    # Mark any files withoug a .keep with our .keep
+    packs=("$repo"/objects/pack/pack-$SHA1.pack)
+    for pack in "${packs[@]}" ; do
+        if keep "$pack" ; then
+            info "New pack: $pack"
+            newpacks=$((newpacks+1))
+        fi
+    done
+    # Record start_time.  If there is more than 1 new packfile, we
+    # don't want to risk touching it with an older date since that
+    # would prevent consolidation on the next run.  If the private
+    # keeps have changed, then we should run next time no matter what.
+    if [ $newpacks -le 1 ] || ! array_equals pkeeps "${keeps[@]}" ; then
+        set_start_date "$repo" "$start_date" "$refs" "$refdirs" "$packedrefs" "${packs[@]}"
+    fi
+    return $rtn # we really only care about the gc error code
+git_gc() { # git.repo
+    local list=$(process_list "$1")
+    if [ -z "$SW_V" ] ; then
+        info "Running $PROG on $1.  git gc options: ${GC_OPTS[@]}"
+        echo "$HEADER" >&2
+        echo "$list" >&2 ;
+    fi
+    echo "$list" | repack_list "$1"
+PROG=$(basename "$0")
+HEADER="Id Keep Size           Sha1(or consolidation list)      Actions(repack down up note)"
+SW_N='' ; SW_V='' ; SW_T='' ; SW_REFS='' ; SW_LOOSE='' ; GC_OPTS=()
+while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+    case "$1" in
+        -u|-h)  usage ;;
+        -n)  SW_N="$1" ;;
+        -v)  SW_V="$1" ;;
+        -t)  SW_T="$1" ;;
+        --norefs)  SW_REFS="$1" ;;
+        --noloose) SW_LOOSE="$1" ;;
+        -r|--ratio)  shift ; RATIO="$1" ;;
+        *)  [ $# -le 1 ] && break
+            GC_OPTS=( "${GC_OPTS[@]}" "$1" )
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+if ! is_repo "$REPO" ; then
+    REPO=$REPO/.git
+    is_repo "$REPO" || usage "($1) is not likely a git repo"
+if [ -z "$SW_N" ] ; then
+    is_touched "$REPO" || { info "Repo untouched since last run" ; exit ; }
+    git_gc "$REPO"
+    is_touched "$REPO" || info "Repo untouched since last run, analyze anyway."
+    process_list "$REPO" >&2

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