On 03/25/2013 10:56 PM, Eric Cousineau wrote:
On 03/18/2013 04:10 PM, Jens Lehmann wrote:
Am 12.03.2013 17:01, schrieb Phil Hord:
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Jens Lehmann <Jens.Lehmann@xxxxxx> wrote:
Am 05.03.2013 22:17, schrieb Phil Hord:
I agree on the possible problems a configuration option introduces.
I'm still not convinced we should add a new switch, as it can easily
be achieved by adding "${cmd} &&" to your scripts. And on the command
line you could use an alias like this one to achieve that:
recurse = !sh -c \"$@ && git submodule foreach --recursive $@\"
I tried this and the 'recurse-post' alias, but could not get it to function as
it does inside of 'git submodule foreach'. I also tried out some different escaping
methods, but nothing seemed to work. I've added the examples below.
Yes, making the feature itself a 2nd-class citizen. :-)
But this alias also denies me the benefit of the --post-order option.
For 'git recurse git push', for example, I wouldn't want the
superproject push to occur first; I would want it to occur last after
the submodules have been successfully pushed.
recurse-post = !sh -c \"git submodule foreach --recursive --post-order $@ && $@\"
I agree this should go in some other commit, but I do not think it is
so trivial it should never be considered as a feature for git. That's
all I'm trying to say.
I am not against adding such a functionality to Git, I'm just not
convinced "git submodule foreach" is the right command for that. I
suspect the "git for-each-repo" Lars proposed earlier this year might
be a better choice, as that could also recurse into other repos which
aren't registered as submodules. And a "for-each-repo" to me looks
like a command which could include the superproject too (at least when
told to do so with an option).
Here are the aliases I am using:
recurse = !sh -c \"$@ && git submodule foreach --recursive $@\"
recurse-post = !sh -c \"git submodule foreach --recursive --post-order $@ && $@\"
fer = !sh -c \"eval \\\"$@\\\" && git submodule foreach --recursive \\\"$@\\\"\"
ferpo = !sh -c \"git submodule foreach --recursive --post-order \\\"$@\\\" && eval \\\"$@\\\"\"
fers = !sh -c \"eval '$@' && git submodule foreach --recursive '$@'\"
ferpos = !sh -c \"git submodule foreach --recursive --post-order '$@' && eval '$@'\"
And these are the results I get with the following example:
$ cmd="echo \"'ello world: \$PWD\""
$ eval "$cmd"
'ello world: /tmp/a
$ git submodule foreach --recursive "$cmd"
Entering 'b'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b
Entering 'b/d'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b/d
Entering 'c'
'ello world: /tmp/a/c
$ git submodule foreach --recursive --post-order "$cmd" "$cmd"
Entering 'b'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b
Entering 'b/d'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b/d
Exiting 'b/d'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b/d
Exiting 'b'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b
Entering 'c'
'ello world: /tmp/a/c
Exiting 'c'
'ello world: /tmp/a/c
$ git recurse "$cmd"
'ello world: /tmp/a
Entering 'b'
/home/eacousineau/local/lib/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule: 1: eval: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Stopping at 'b'; script returned non-zero status.
$ git recurse-post "$cmd"
Entering 'b'
/home/eacousineau/local/lib/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule: 1: eval: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Stopping at 'b'; script returned non-zero status.
$ git fer "$cmd"
ello world: /tmp/a
Entering 'b'
ello world: /tmp/a
Entering 'b/d'
ello world: /tmp/a
Entering 'c'
ello world: /tmp/a
$ git ferpo "$cmd"
Entering 'b'
/home/eacousineau/local/lib/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule: 1: eval: world:: not found
Stopping at 'b'; script returned non-zero status.
Stopping at 'b'; script returned non-zero status.
$ git fers "$cmd"
ello world: /tmp/a' && git submodule foreach --recursive 'echo ello world: /tmp/a
$ git ferpos "$cmd"
Entering 'b'
/home/eacousineau/local/lib/git/libexec/git-core/git-submodule: 1: eval: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Stopping at 'b'; script returned non-zero status.
The problem is trying to escape with double-quotes, where the single-quotes are evaluated
as a shell token thing and not as a string argument, versus single-quotes, where you cannot (easily) escape single
quotes inside of it (though please correct me if I'm wrong!).
It seems the best solution would be to have it as a script to allow recursion to occur in the scope of one script,
like submodule foreach.
I understand now why it does not fit in the scope of 'git submodule', though, so I could implement it as a *very*
lightweight stand-in for Lars's "git for-each-repo" via some copy-and-paste :P
- Eric
Put together a script with the --include-super functionality, named it
'git-fer.sh' to start.
Posted as a Gist: https://gist.github.com/eacousineau/5243161
That test case:
$ git-fer --include-super --recursive --post-order "$cmd" "$cmd"
Entering supermodule 'a'
'ello world: /tmp/a
Entering 'b'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b
Entering 'b/d'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b/d
Exiting 'b/d'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b/d
Exiting 'b'
'ello world: /tmp/a/b
Entering 'c'
'ello world: /tmp/a/c
Exiting 'c'
'ello world: /tmp/a/c
Exiting supermodule 'a'
'ello world: /tmp/a
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