Some days ago I reported that I was attempting to write a tool that could (a) take a git repo and unpack it into a tarball sequence plus a metadata log, (b) reverse that operation, packing a tarball and log sequence into a repo. Thanks in part to advice by Andreas Schwab and in part to looking at the text of the p4 import script, this effort has succeeded. A proof of concept is enclosed. It isn't documented yet, and has not been tested on a repository with branches or merges in the history, but I am confident that the distance from here to a finished and tested tool is short. The immediate intended use is for importing older projects that are available only as sequences of release tarballs, but there are other sorts of repository surgery that would become easier using it. I'm still looking for a better name for it and would welcome suggestions. Before I do much further work, I need to determine how this will be shipped. I see two possibilities: either I ship it as a small standalone project, or it becomes a git subcommand shipped with the git suite. How I document it and set up its tests would differ between these two cases. Is there a process for submitting new subcommands? What are the test-suite and documentation requirements? -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>
#!/usr/bin/env python """ gitpacker - assemble tree sequences into repository histories Requires git and cpio. """ import sys, os, getopt, subprocess, time, tempfile DEBUG_GENERAL = 1 DEBUG_PROGRESS = 2 DEBUG_COMMANDS = 3 class Fatal(Exception): "Unrecoverable error." def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg class Baton: "Ship progress indications to stdout." def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg='done', enable=False): self.prompt = prompt self.endmsg = endmsg self.countfmt = None self.counter = 0 if enable: = sys.stdout else: = None self.count = 0 self.time = 0 def __enter__(self): if + "...") if os.isatty(" \010") self.count = 0 self.time = time.time() return self def startcounter(self, countfmt, initial=1): self.countfmt = countfmt self.counter = initial def bumpcounter(self): if is None: return if os.isatty( if self.countfmt: update = self.countfmt % self.counter + ("\010" * len(update))) else: self.twirl() self.counter = self.counter + 1 def endcounter(self): if w = len(self.countfmt % self.count)" " * w) + ("\010" * w)) self.countfmt = None def twirl(self, ch=None): "One twirl of the baton." if is None: return if os.isatty( if ch: return else: update = "-/|\\"[self.count % 4] + ("\010" * len(update))) self.count = self.count + 1 def __exit__(self, extype, value_unused, traceback_unused): if extype == KeyboardInterrupt: self.endmsg = "interrupted" if extype == Fatal: self.endmsg = "aborted by error" if"...(%2.2f sec) %s.\n" \ % (time.time() - self.time, self.endmsg)) return False def do_or_die(dcmd, legend=""): "Either execute a command or raise a fatal exception." if legend: legend = " " + legend if verbose >= DEBUG_COMMANDS: sys.stdout.write("executing '%s'%s\n" % (dcmd, legend)) try: retcode =, shell=True) if retcode < 0: raise Fatal("child was terminated by signal %d." % -retcode) elif retcode != 0: raise Fatal("child returned %d." % retcode) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise Fatal("execution of %s%s failed: %s" % (dcmd, legend, e)) def capture_or_die(dcmd, legend=""): "Either execute a command and capture its output or die." if legend: legend = " " + legend if verbose >= DEBUG_COMMANDS: sys.stdout.write("executing '%s'%s\n" % (dcmd, legend)) try: return subprocess.check_output(dcmd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode < 0: raise Fatal("child was terminated by signal %d." % -e.returncode) elif e.returncode != 0: sys.stderr.write("gitpacker: child returned %d." % e.returncode) sys.exit(1) def git_pack(indir, outdir, quiet=False): "Pack a tree sequence and associated logfile into a repository" do_or_die("mkdir %s; git init -q %s" % (outdir, outdir)) logfile = os.path.join(indir, "log") commit_id = [None] state = 0 parents = [] comment = committername = authorname = "" commitdate = authordate = commitemail = authoremail = "" commitcount = 1; linecount = 0 with Baton("Packing", enable=not quiet) as baton: for line in open(logfile): if verbose > DEBUG_PROGRESS: print "Looking at: '%s'" % repr(line) if state == 0: if line == '\n': state = 1 else: try: space = line.index(' ') leader = line[:space] follower = line[space:].strip() if leader == "commit": commit = follower elif leader == "parent": parents.append(follower) elif leader not in ("author", "committer"): raise Fatal("unexpected log attribute at %s" \ % repr(line)) elif leader == "committer": (committername, committeremail, committerdate) = [x.strip() for x in follower.replace('>','<').split('<')] elif leader == "author": (authorname, authoremail, authordate) = [x.strip() for x in follower.replace('>','<').split('<')] except ValueError: raise Fatal('"%s", line %d: ill-formed log entry' % (logfile, linecount)) elif state == 1: if line == ".\n": if verbose > DEBUG_PROGRESS: print "Interpretation begins" os.chdir(outdir) if commitcount > 1: do_or_die("rm `git ls-tree --name-only HEAD`") if verbose > DEBUG_PROGRESS: print "Copying" os.chdir("%s/%d" % (indir, commitcount)) do_or_die("find . -print | cpio -pd --quiet %s" % (outdir,)) os.chdir(outdir) do_or_die("git add -A") tree_id = capture_or_die("git write-tree").strip() if verbose > DEBUG_PROGRESS: print "Tree ID is", tree_id (_, commentfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(commentfile, "w") as cfp: cfp.write(comment) command = "git commit-tree %s " % tree_id command += " ".join(map(lambda p: "-p " + commit_id[int(p)],parents)) command += "<'%s'" % commentfile environment = "" environment += " GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='%s' " % authorname environment += " GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='%s' " % authoremail environment += " GIT_AUTHOR_DATE='%s' " % authordate environment += " GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='%s' " % committername environment += " GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='%s' " % committeremail environment += " GIT_COMMITTER_DATE='%s' " % committerdate commit_id.append(capture_or_die(environment + command).strip()) do_or_die("git update-ref HEAD %s" % commit_id[-1]) os.remove(commentfile) state = 0 parents = [] comment = committername = authorname = "" committerdate = authordate = committeremail = authoremail = "" commitcount += 1 baton.twirl() if maxcommit != 0 and commitcount >= maxcommit: break else: if line.startswith("."): line = line[1:] comment += line def git_unpack(indir, outdir, quiet=False): "Unpack a repository into a tree sequence and associated logfile." rawlogfile = os.path.join(outdir, "rawlog") with Baton("Unpacking", enable=not quiet) as baton: do_or_die("rm -fr %s; mkdir %s" % (outdir, outdir)) baton.twirl() do_or_die("cd %s; git log --all --reverse --format=raw >%s" % (indir, rawlogfile)) baton.twirl() commitcount = 1 commit_map = {} os.chdir(indir) try: for line in open(rawlogfile): baton.twirl() if line.startswith("commit "): commit = line.split()[1] commit_map[commit] = commitcount do_or_die("git checkout %s 2>/dev/null; mkdir %s/%d" \ % (commit, outdir, commitcount)) do_or_die("git ls-tree -r --name-only --full-tree %s | cpio -pd --quiet %s/%d" % (commit, outdir, commitcount)) commitcount += 1 finally: do_or_die("git reset --hard >/dev/null; git checkout master >/dev/null 2>&1") cooked = os.path.join(outdir, "log") body_latch = False try: with open(cooked, "w") as wfp: linecount = 0 for line in open(rawlogfile): linecount += 1 if line[0].isspace(): if line.startswith(" " * 4): line = line[4:] # Old-school byte stuffing. if line.startswith("."): line = "." + line else: space = line.index(' ') leader = line[:space] follower = line[space:].strip() if leader == "tree": continue if leader == "commit" and linecount > 1: wfp.write(".\n") # FIXME: Check that log raw emits one parent per line if leader in ("commit", "parent"): line = "%s %s\n" % (leader, commit_map[follower]) body_latch = False elif leader not in ("author", "committer"): raise Fatal("unexpected log attribute at %s" \ % repr(line)) if line == '\n': if not body_latch: body_latch = True else: continue wfp.write(line) wfp.write(".\n") except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): raise Fatal("log rewrite failed on %s" % repr(line)) os.remove(rawlogfile) if __name__ == '__main__': (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ci:m:o:qxv") mode = 'auto' indir = '.' outdir = None quiet = False maxcommit = 0 verbose = 0 for (opt, val) in options: if opt == '-x': mode = 'unpack' elif opt == '-c': mode = 'pack' elif opt == '-m': indir = int(val) elif opt == '-i': indir = val elif opt == '-o': outdir = val elif opt == '-q': quiet = True elif opt == '-v': verbose += 1 if not os.path.exists(indir): sys.stderr.write("gitpacker: input directory %s must exist.\n" % indir) sys.exit(1) if mode == 'auto': if os.path.exists(os.path.join(indir, ".git")): mode = 'unpack' else: mode = 'pack' assert mode == 'pack' or mode == 'unpack' if outdir is None: if mode == 'pack': outdir = indir + "/packed" elif mode == 'unpack': outdir = indir + "/unpacked" if os.path.exists(outdir): sys.stderr.write("gitpacker: output directory %s must not exist.\n" % outdir) sys.exit(1) indir = os.path.abspath(indir) outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir) if verbose >= DEBUG_PROGRESS: sys.stderr.write("gitpacker: %s from %s to %s.\n" % (mode, indir, outdir)) try: try: here = os.getcwd() if mode == 'pack': git_pack(indir, outdir, quiet=quiet) elif mode == 'unpack': git_unpack(indir, outdir, quiet=quiet) finally: os.chdir(here) except Fatal, e: sys.stderr.write(e.msg + "\n") sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # end