I find an interesting and useful usage of git: todo/timeline. For this purpose I just make a git repo and all the commits with specified timestamp: some in the past, e.g. the date I was born; some in the future, e.g. todo list. I config my ~/.gitconfig as below: [alias] lg1 = log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%cr)%C(reset) %C(green)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white)― %cn%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative lg = !"git lg1" todo = !"git lg" | grep future | grep --color -E 'future|days|hours|minutes|seconds' tomxue@ubuntu:~/mycode/life$ git todo * d768da9 - (in the future: 3 hours later) Meeting with vendor ― Tom Xue (HEAD, master) * 5fcd556 - (in the future: 12 days later) Take my personal holiday ― Tom Xue * 9dd280b - (in the future: 11 months later) 端午节 ― Tom Xue * 4680099 - (in the future: 9 months later) 清明节 ― Tom Xue * 59d5266 - (in the future: 8 months later) 元宵节 ― Tom Xue * b5308da - (in the future: 7 months later) 除夕 ― Tom Xue * 3fe2e71 - (in the future: 4 months later) 重阳节 ― Tom Xue * 4fad90c - (in the future: 3 months later) 中秋 ― Tom Xue * 3dfec58 - (in the future: 7 weeks later) 七夕 ― Tom Xue * f547a6e - (in the future: 7 months later) 我的阴历生日: 12-18 ― Tom Xue * 5d4d240 - (in the future: 7 months later) 我的阳历生日 ― Tom Xue * 5b165e7 - (in the future: 9 months later) Father阴历生日: 阴历3-6 ― Tom Xue * 7b73d53 - (in the future: 10 months later) Father阳历生日 ― Tom Xue * b6cd036 - (in the future: 6 months later) Mother阴历生日: 阴历11-23 ― Tom Xue * 97c5163 - (in the future: 6 months later) Mother阳历生日 ― Tom Xue * f96843c - (in the future: 5 months later) Brother阴历生日: 阴历11-4 ― Tom Xue * c4a5432 - (in the future: 5 months later) Brother阳历生日 ― Tom Xue * e1bfba1 - (in the future: 4 months later) Afei阳历生日 ― Tom Xue * b551e6c - (in the future: 4 months later) Afei阴历生日: 阴历9-25 ― Tom Xue * 0d7e644 - (in the future: 7 weeks later) 家人来京计划启动 ― Tom Xue * 6e7ba31 - (in the future: 10 months later) Mother's day: 2nd Sunday@May ― Tom Xue * 4fc7701 - (in the future: 12 months later) Father's day: 3rd Sunday@June ― Tom Xue * 69a582e - (in the future: 10 months later) Dropbox 100G deadline ― Tom Xue And I take a screenshot of it, which is colorful and more impressive FYI. The link is below. https://www.box.com/s/84b9cf402ea9419c7fe2 The link is just a picture and safe. Except that, I think to give some accurate relative date of future timestamp commit is also not bad. If I make this kind of commit, I hope not only to see "in the future", but also to see "how long/far in the future". BR, Tom -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html