Hi... i just came over some issue, where the rename tracking got confused. I wanted to revert a commit to a moved file. But because it touched an empty file, this seems to have confused the rename tracking. (there were a few empty files there) Attached is a shell script, that reproduces the issue. The Problem is, that bla2 shows up in omg3, when "bla2 empty" is reverted. This was produced with git 1.7.10 from debian. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Torben Hohn Linutronix GmbH Standort: Bremen Phone: +49 421 166 73 41 ; Fax.: +49 7556 919 886 mailto: torbenh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Firmensitz / Registered Office: D-88690 Uhldingen, Auf dem Berg 3 Registergericht / Local District Court: Freiburg i. Br., HRB Nr. / Trade register no.: 700 806; Geschäftsführer / Managing Directors: Heinz Egger, Thomas Gleixner
Description: Bourne shell script