On 6/23/2012 11:39 AM, bmitic wrote:
I can't really explain it, but basically every time I try to pull this
specific repo from my other servers I get the results bellow. I have two
identical servers where this works, but for some reason on the third one it
doesn't. I even got another virtual server and tried it and I was getting
the same error. I don't know how to troubleshoot this.
If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it:
[root@myserver gittestremote]# git pull -v tst1 master
xxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
remote: Counting objects: 20095, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18794/18794), done.
remote: Total 20095 (delta 1005), reused 20095 (delta 1005)
Receiving objects: 100% (20095/20095), 1.11 GiB | 11.46 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1005/1005), done.
From xxxxxx.xxxxxx.com:/var/www/GITREPO3/fullsites/prd_biq
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
/usr/bin/git-pull: line 277: 5401 Terminated git read-tree
--reset -u HEAD
[root@myserver gittestremote]#
View this message in context: http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/Problem-pulling-large-repo-Error-usr-bin-git-pull-line-277-5401-Terminated-git-read-tree-reset-u-HEAD-tp7562027.html
Sent from the git mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
What is your version of git (git --version), and what are the specs of
the machines where it worked and didn't work? The 1.11 GiB in your
output looks pretty big.
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